
Misogyny as empowerment. There’s such an overarching tone of woman-hating from most these sites. If an actress posts pre-retouch pictures of herself that’s one thing, but these sites read “no look, she really is ugly! she really is fat! she didn’t grow those boobs!” That shouldn’t make you feel better about yourself,

It’s got to be depressing for the guy traded to Toronto to know the Astros think so little of his talent that they’d willingly trade him to pick up a PR nightmare like Osuna. At least we know the only person Ken Giles will beat up over this is himself.

Saw Mark Texiera on SC today and he was asked about how Yankees felt about having domestic abuser Aroldis Chapman on the team. Gave the expected “We were just about winning on the field” bullshit. Said everyone on the team was fine. Never said how wives felt about it, though.

I won’t hold my breath waiting for the next great Carole Radziwill production.
I’m sure when she actually had a job she worked, and her first book was a success but in her time as a housewife she has always seemed pretty lazy to me.
She talks a lot about writing but doesn’t actually seem to do it much.

I used to like Bethenny but she beefs with everyone. And I’m really sick of the skinny girl promotion. They should just give her an infomercial at this point.

what she accused him of is not technically sexually assault. She even said that she “let” him do it, so he had her consent even if she didn’t want to be having sex.

I completely agree.

I’ve always hated Carole because she is a poseur who pretends to be Progressive but is really a snob who looks down on any actual people who aren’t like her.

We have a thread going on over here... we pretty much tore apart the whole damn mess that is Carole:

Leaving my ass ... I bet she got canned or offered a “friend of” spot.  She’s been snoozeville on the show this season.  

Off the top of my head:

Same and I will be petty but honestly I DO have a couple questions:

I mean, I know, but I hate Carole. She is such a phony snob and she has the nerve to criticize everyone else’s styles while outfitting herself horribly so...

If it was worn by Carole, it is guaranteed to be hideously ugly and totally ridiculous.

Carol’s style is questionable as this season goes on...


This, right here, is why members of the Church of Rodger deserve to have their balls pulverized.

It’s amazing to see these lunatics:

I think it goes beyond sexual frustration - it’s frustration that they are not in control of a woman or women.