
Rachel McKinnon, who is currently looking forward to the death of a feminist lesbian activist. 

No, those are reasonable people who understand the implications of allowing people who are biologically men to compete with women. 

I’m older, so maybe things have changed, but when I had kids the rule of thumb was, it takes you 9 months to get in this shape, it will take you 9 months to get back. 

We need to evolve, but we also need to listen to why people are having hesitations and why these people from all different directions and parts of life are seemingly, confusingly to some, finding some common ground and really understand them. I do see myself identifying with SOME ideas that seem to get me labeled

A lot of people in the trans-positive rad fem space have seen the TERF online communities drifting toward the alt-right for years now, and the alt-right has welcomed them - it’s not going to get any better.

While that is generally true, it doesn’t really apply here. TERFs care about their issues, deeply. They are just trying to protect their space from co-opting impostors. This is not to say that all transgendered are impostors, but impostors have embedded themselves within their ranks.

My problem with the phrase “TERF” is that it has been applied so broadly and erroneously in the past few years that it has basically lost all meaning. When you call everyone who wore a pussy hat to their women’s march a TERF or dismiss anything focusing specifically on reproductive rights/menstruation/abortion TERF-y,

Which would be a damn shame cause I love watching womens tennis. 

The funny thing is that these shitheads would end up discouraging woman from sports altogether.

Great. Tell us again how women don’t exist.

Behold the evolution of an ideology, folks: in the above example Transwomen are women has morphed into ‘women do not exist’. Beware those who peddle this kind of nonsense as though it were about trans-inclusion. It absolutely isn’t. They’re not interested in preserving the rights of a marginalized community. Their

it’d be a win for everyone except the 49.999% of the population born with two x chromosomes. 

Way to completely elide over McKinnon, who in addition to being routinely debunked over her science (she’s a philosophy phd), is also a transgender athlete who immediately started dominating the women’s division after transitioning. Seems like a pretty hefty conflict of interests and only a truly incompetent

You’re missing the point: firstly, they won’t qualify for the teams. Entire leagues exist so as to allow women their own spaces to compete in. If men are allowed to compete for spaces in those leagues that is taking opportunities away from women. Women are telling you they don’t want to compete against men. Try

Because it would be deeply unfair and women and girls would disproportionately lose, while also being placed in physical danger.

You’re not a moron, and seem well intentioned, but if you think men and women should be on the same NFL football teams I’m glad you’re not in charge.

As a sidenote, there is a question that has been slightly bothering me and I’ll desperately try to word this carefully. I think something we can all agree on is that there isn’t really that much research currently available on trans-athletes having or not having an athletic edge in sports. Hopefully that is something

I have to admit that once I hit that line near the start of the article asking what does gender and strenght have to do with each other, I literally had to force myself to read through the rest of it. At the end of it, I’m still deeply confused by the argument this article seems to be making. Yes, there is a lot of

Because you know that (K-12) girls would almost never make the basketball, football, or baseball teams. Unless we wanted to protect their feelings and mandate inclusion in some form.

“There is no stark line separating what men can do athletically and what women can. Some women, in fact, are bigger, faster, and stronger than some men.”