
I bet his face is as Red as a Lobster right now

Somebody needs to be taken Outback and shot.

I really enjoy the portrait of Obama; the colors are so vibrant and as a result the man himself comes off with the kind of inherent warmth that we know he exudes in real life but that a serious portrait would likely fail to capture. By painting him with a very serious expression against a background of vibrant green

Japan, just two generations ago, literally invaded Korea, kidnapped and raped women, and never truly apologized. But sure, crazy to think that anyone could be offended.

Japan is a beautiful, modern nation with an ancient culture. They have gotten a comparative free ride in the west for their crimes in World War II which were certainly the same in scope as their Third Reich allies. The past crimes of the Germans have had much greater exposure and contrition.

I’m still waiting for the CDC to issue warnings to all men over 40 who are sexually active on the dangers of producing a child with autism or other health problems.

You may not be watching ESPN right now. I think he’s going to have to go soon.

Yeah, it’s hard to see him finishing the season, and Dantonio (the second half hour of the program is about the football team) is going to have to go immediately, as well, for, among other things, saying there hadn’t been any alleged assaults by football players when he knew there were.

Amen. The enduring legacy of Penn St isn’t just Sandusky and JoPa, it’s their vile fan base that to this day place football over rape victims.

This OTL documentary showing on ESPN right now, covering many of the sexual assaults committed by athletes at MSU is sickening. Just based on what is being reported on this show, I don’t see how Tom Izzo survives this.

Well, time to put my money where my mouth is.

Ironic that this was a NYT article. The same news outlet that Glenn Thrush worked for. Hillary eventually got rid of Strider. The NYT cannot say the same. As I said, deflection.

Yes, Hillary Clinton and Charles Manson. Exactly the same person. Great example!

Well... something WAS done. She docked his pay, moved the woman to another position, and forced him to go to counseling. She *believed* the victim and acted accordingly. Should she have fired him? Prooooobably, but this also seems pretty standard for 2008 HR-Department-Harassment behavior. I’ve seen guys who behaved

I find that it becomes very difficult to become outraged at this when damned near everything negative directed at her involves the behavior of some asshole man, which she should now somehow be held responsible for. Yes, maybe she should have fired him. But considering how long the right, and some media outlets, have