
My dad is a vet too, and he always said that one of the biggest things he learned from his military experience was that the map is not the terrain—you can’t conflate the abstraction with the thing itself, because the thing changes and you have to be able to adapt with it.

Cause it’s convenient for those who oppose the mission of the protests.

Basically, you fuck with people’s symbols at your peril.

I’m a disabled veteran from the first Gulf War, and have no problem whatsoever with anthem protests. I could do with a LOT less flag-waving in general, truth be told.

The military aspect is the most baffling in this as nothing about the protests have been about the armed forces and the players have been abundently clear about it, so why is constantly linked to that? Also I don’t recall the reaction to NFL teamscharging the military for their tributes being anything close to this.

The group of people is easily identifiable by their red hats.

Folks with a military background, folks who wished they had a military background, and people who pine for the good ol days when black people would simply say “yessuh” when their white owners told them to do something.

I continue to be confused by the fury around the anthem protests. I’m completely for the protests, especially because protests are by design disruptive and this actually is done in about as respectful manner as you can get. However, what I cannot comprehend is the countering outrage they are generating and how much of

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back everything up for a second. Wine payment is an option? I’ve been a fool. A damned fool.

None of them thought he would ever not be DA while Cosby was alive.

Always look forward to reading her pieces, even when they are infuriating. Great research and analysis matters, no matter how the tl;dr types want to simplify it down to nothing.

This is a reminder of why you always vote, even in local elections. Castor lost by only 17,000 votes, and tons of races for mayors and state reps are decided by even fewer votes.

glad he’s gone

So a woman is raped...files a criminal complaint...the DA refuses to prosecute...she campaigns against him in the next election to try and have her rapist brought to justice...and he sues her because he lost the election.

It was already part of what cost him his job, he is no longer DA. Voters got tired of it all.

Diana, your coverage of the Cosby Nightmare has been excellent. I hope they are paying you well, both in cash and in wine.

Philadelphia resident here. Bruce Castor is a fucking snake, and he always has been. This isn’t surprising. He was always for sale to the highest bidder and it’s increasingly obvious that Cosby was the highest bidder.