
Fuck Maureen Dowd I’m not surprised she’s still clutching her women shaming schtick that worked so well in the 90s. It’s the only time she was relevant. But why does she still have such a high profile platform?

Ok but like...Richard Pryor wrote the sketch. He obviously knew the words that were going to be said to him. Yi had absolutely no expectation that Cross was going to be a racist shit to her and certainly didn’t agree to it beforehand. How, in your mind, are these two things even comparable?

I thought the same thing when a male acquaintance recently told me “I don’t remember grabbing your ass but sorry anyway”. Sooooo this is such common, acceptable behavior for you that it doesn’t register until you realize I haven’t seen or talked to you in months? This kind of reaction can really give you a look into

she remembers word for word a conversation she had a decade ago with a guy who is friends with her then (current?) boyfriend

I think because Asians are seen as the “model minority”, white folks don’t think it’s offensive to make fun of us. I’ve had white people say all sorts of crazy shit to me, and just try to laugh it off when I look at them like they’re insane. Like, I guess if you’re not saying the N-word you’re not being racist? Cross

It is really common for bullies to not remember what they have done because it doesn’t mean anything to them. They were “just having fun” and weren’t the one who was traumatized. I have read several accounts of people who confronted their high school or junior high tormentors, and the people often don’t even remember

You know it’s possible to say things and not remember saying them because you grew up your entire life being able to say those things without repercussions or thinking about how your words/actions impact others. This is commonly known as privilege.

I wonder if this might also finally crack open the other pillar in Hollywood, that was rumoured to be the bedrock of Corey Haim’s fragile mental state.