
So Lochte basically told the Cartman version of the story

I feel like with 7 billion or so people and climbing, just about any kind of food cultivation is doing serious damage. Not that that should absolve us of guilt, I just don’t think there’s a responsible way, ecologically speaking, to feed 7 billion humans on a planet this size.

The avocado is pretty much my last question about this picture.

After all the press about that, the California Almond Board started supporting the local NPR affiliate, and their tag whenever they were mentioned on air was, “Reminding you that almonds are not unusual in their water needs!”

I’m not going to watch that video because just the thought of it makes me sick.

Commentator, in crisp English accent: Folks at home may be asking themselves, “How will he finish?” And, well, Depends.

Wait for it.


So you’re saying that after reviewing all of the evidence, a Brazilian inspector looked over at Lochte, and was like,

Michael Phelps promptly shattered Lochte’s short-lived record by getting indicted much faster and on a much more difficult crime.

Not to mention saying his three teammates all hit the ground. Between that and getting the hell out of Dodge, he backed the bus up on his teammates worse than the schmuck at the beginning of The Dark Knight.

On the next episode of Lochted Up: Abroad ....

This is the story that keeps on giving. Its like the kind of fanfic someone who huffs freon would write.

I’m pretty much suspicious of anyone who’s friends with or seems likely to have appeared on the Opie and Anthony Show.

Making this about Schumer definitely falls into the “eating our own” problem a lot of internet feminism can have. So much energy goes into policing the mostly good who are not perfect, versus focusing on garbage like Metzger.

Saw this pop up on Twitter last night, and that was my first thought: why is this Amy Schumer’s problem, exactly? Dude is clearly a dick, most charitably maybe just enjoys going for shock value, which sounds totally par for a douchey comedy writer. Is she expected to closely follow the career of anyone she’s ever

I agree with this. I think it’s easy to feel like she is betraying us *as a woman* but she is also not responsible for what he says.

I mean, I get people tweeting her about it, but I also get her blocking people. If I were a celeb I would block so many goddamn people for a lot less.