
Well said

It’s still a 21 year old vehicle. At that age it’s all the little things that go wrong, like plastics, door hardware, screens, rubber seals, etc. No Dice at this price, maybe 22k for the pair.

Just too damn ugly, and I’m an old geezer.

Sitting on the fence with this one. Sometimes you just have to decide whether you like the looks of this car or not. I gave it a No dice because it looks like every other boring sedan from that time period.

I’m still waiting for my flying car, have been since the sixties. At this point I would be happy just to have a self driving car to take me to the doctor. Don’t hold your breath, it’s gonna be awhile.

Very few would buy porn of ugly people. Even fewer would buy this ugly car.

That was so well said. I wish more people would have that much insight and common sense. That you.

We’re talking 1.5 degrees C by 2040? So what? I just wish someone would start talking about all the good things of climate change. I’m sure the people in the northern latitudes would love to throw away their snow shovels. I’m not going to agree to anything until they weigh the benefits vs the costs of doing nothing.

It was a nice car for it’s time, dependable and cheap to run. We thought those 72 horses was sporty. Still it was a POS by today’s standards.

It’s meant to be an editorial from a clueless writer.

It should be

Erik is so clueless as to what needs to be done to get to a significant amount of EVs. Those advocating for EVs are often the same ones that are the first to say no to a new lithium mine in their state. He doesn’t mention that it takes well over 10 years just to get a permit for a new mine. He also doesn’t mention the

You’re right Smurph. Here in California we constantly have ‘flex alerts’ telling us to reduce our power consumption to avoid blackouts. I can’t imagine our grid being able to handle even 10% EVs. California will say yes to new solar and wind power, but they say no to new power lines, nuclear power, or even gas plants.

That’s the problem with the environmentalists, they say no to everything, no matter what. Yes you can have clean drinking water, a safe environment, and an auto factory with 12,000 jobs too. Too bad some people are too stubborn to see that.

I’d love to let my car do the driving on a long drive on the freeway.

Ford Tempo, 1984, our first new car. Ford’s slogan then was ‘The quality goes in before the name goes on’. Had it for 36,000 miles, three transmissions, two air conditioner compressors, and numerous things falling apart. POS for sure. Was happy to get rid of that for my 88 Chevy Nova (Toyota Corolla) which was built

Not to mention that more than 80% of the land in Nevada is owned by the federal government.

What is Bucee? Is that some type of hamburger?

You nailed that one right.

I still can’t see Uber and Lift’s path to profitability. They are not really ride sharing companies so much as they are a taxi service. Add in the regulations soon to come, the low driver pay, and driver costs of insuring and maintaining his vehicle, and there is just not enough money in it except for management. If