
I’ve hated Bob Seger since I was in high school. Whenever I’m at a car show and some boomer starts blaring “Old Time Rock and Roll”, I want to grab my baseball bat out of my car and start swinging at everything and everyone in an uncontrolled rage.

I completely agree with not buying knock off/generic NACS adapters. At the same time, this is not something GM should be trying to make money on. ~250 (let’s not forget sales tax) seems to me like a lot of money for what is a glorified plug converter with some $5 chip in it, no?

I understand limiting Chinese market strategies that are designed to lose money until they have market control, but limiting ALL Chinese involvement is catastrophically stupid. Here are the facts - they have a more mature, advanced, and robust battery industry that just about anyone and frankly you can’t be on the

Weird how merging a bunch of terrible, poorly run car companies didn’t work out..

Maybe its because I am in a bad mood today. Maybe its because I am now a middle aged male. I am not at company number 9 in my career. I spent well over two decades in the tech industry and now work at an older established financial firm. If I could retire today I would. None of the companies I worked for really care

1st Gear

BYD is the bigger issue for small car development in Germany/Europe. They are importing at such a high volume but low cost that even with tariffs they are selling product under VW’s costs.

If Chrysler was killed off, would anyone notice or care? How many people are buying $50K minivans to justify keeping an entire brand afloat? 

Polestar was a terrible idea from Day 1. In the emerging EV market, “Let’s make really expensive and complicated models!” was not a great business plan, especially coming from Volvo, which had a history of making refreshingly practical machines.

When Ford adopts DEI policies, it’s about making more money. When they abandon DEI policies, it’s about making more money. They don’t care either way, they just want to maximize shareholder value. This should not surprise anyone.

First gear: Other’s have pointed out the tax rebate loop hole.

Willys. Kaiser. AMC. Renault. Chrysler. Daimler. Cerberus. Fiat. PSA/Stellantis.

I’m going to guess the recent MBA grads thought they’d “cut costs” by eliminating the cheaper, volume sellers, and boost profits by building “high margin” stuff.

The handwriting has been on the wall for Stellantis for a while, if you ask me — anyone could see that their product line was withering, they weren’t really trying to do anything new, and they were unsustainably pushing their cash cows (jeep and ram) to higher price points so as to generate revenue. Time for their

300, Charger, Challenger, all dead. Chrysler has 1 product (Pacifica around since 2016 with little changes). Dodge consists of the Hornet and the ancient Durango which will either go out of production or get replaced. The Ram no longer has a V8 (and a Hemi at that) and good luck trying to market to the same people

It’s pretty simple: a nearly-all European executive team who has very little experience with the North American market is running the show. Into the ground.

Anyone else wonder where the negative battery cable went?

All GOP votes should first be mailed to Mar-a-Lago, preferably at the last minute, for expert verification.

Looks like about as good of a 3-series of this vintage as you’re going to find, and I bet this delivers a delightful, near-analog driving experience. I say NP because buying any BMW of this vintage is going to be a bit of a financial commitment, whether you spend the money up front for a good clean one or spend it