
The car producing states won’t have to give up their money, they’ll just find a way to produce BEVs profitably. They are already on their way. The real problem is the infrastructure. Here’s the thing, the environmentalists are all for electric vehicles but as soon as you say we need to open new mines to get the

As a Boomer I gotta tell you guys: PEAK MUSCLE CAR IS RIGHT NOW. Todays cars are by and large are faster, handle better, more efficient, and more dependable. Hands down, end of story, and don’t let some old coot like me try to convince you otherwise.

I almost went for it, but when I read ‘not okay boomer’ I thought about it and No Dice.

Most of the 80's cars were pretty boring. Think Toyota Corolla, Buick Century and dozens of others that no one remembers. It wasn’t until the Mustang GT came out (I think ‘84) that performance came back. Then of course there was the perirenal best seller Ford F series pickup. I was glad to get rid of my rolling turd

The EV timeline may be too aggressive, though I think the technology is ready, the grid is not, charging stations are not, mining of metals is not. While EV’s are great for most homeowners, it’s going to be a long time before people who park on the street have a place to plug in. Washington probably has it right on

Here in the desert north of L.A. California we have many new bike lanes often having taken the place of a traffic lane, thus causing more traffic congestion. The bike lanes are mostly empty because the area doesn’t lend itself well to biking because everything is so spread out. People live far from work and shopping

Love that you can just scroll down and see every picture. Interesting and easy to read. Nice job on that one Jason.

Love that you can just scroll down and see every picture. Interesting and easy to read. Nice job on that one Jason.

No, Libertarians just believe there aint no such thing as a free lunch. They are not opposed to these things, they just believe that the farther way your tax dollars go away from the taxpayers the more that gets wasted. The federal government should not be doing that which the states won’t do, it should only be doing

They want to spend billions on public transit that nobody uses and further subsidize Amtrak, and the whole point is to just benefit a few? It’s time for those that use those things start paying their fair share.

I disagree with Raphael who says the government should subsidize EV’s. The markets should determine who buys them. Giving rich people subsidies to buy their electric cars makes no sense. Soon EV’s will win the war anyways because they will be cheaper, require less maintenance, and will make more sense for more

There’s a 13.6 billion dollar valuation for a electric start-up that doesn’t even have a product yet? Some say there’s no bubble in BEV companies, but there will be only a few winners and the rest will be consigned to the ash heap of failed companies. Think before you invest.

Did you hear Intel is going to invest in two new chip factories in Arizona? I call that a big win. You are right in saying we should have done something about it 10 years ago, but as always it takes a crises to do something about it. There are many more things the US should not have let be outsourced to the rest of

I’m not so scared of what Tesla would do with the camera data, but what if it got hacked? Would I really want my wife to see a viral video of me having sex with my secretary in the backseat? Could be dangerous.

Never could get my head around the concept of a hot hatch. If you want a performance car buy a car that looks like sports car, not some little putt putt that looks like it’s owned by a poor college student. Still, I could see that would appeal to some.

well said

Who was Sabine? A motorcycle racer, a Nascar driver, race official? Sad that she died, wish I knew more.

I wonder if GM will give those truck buyers the fuel economy module at a later date? Seems like they should.

Yup. Been there done that. Lessons learned.

To those few people who think this might be Nice Price; it isn’t. Trust the old guys, No Dice at any price!