
Yes, Volkswagen imitates Tesla, plus they know how to build well built cars. Tesla will have a lot of formidable competition, coming real soon. As soon as people view their BEV as a regular everyday appliance (happening soon) then Tesla’s lofty stock price will come back down to earth. Competition is a good thing.

It’s too soon to tell where those investments are going. Just wait 5 years and you may seem like a financial genius.

Only named my first car, a 1969 MGB, Maggie Bondo. It had the infamous Lucas electric issues and a lot of body filler (Bondo).

I don’t quite remember it, but I heard that in the early 60's with the new interstate highway system that the roads didn’t suck (at least not so much). We can have all the government we are willing to pay for.

I’m with you on that one.

Definite NP. I agree with RealPirates, in Southern California we don’t need 4 wheel drive, you buy the car because you like it’s look, it’s roominess, and you know mechanical parts are easy to find.

Hmm. Car companies outsourcing to suppliers? Or will it be the other way around? I can see an electric vehicle platform being sold to all sorts of car manufacturers who then add their own bodies, software etc. It would be kind of like coachbuilders in the 1930's except in a much larger scale.

And badly he does.

Neutral- There goes Raphael again, trying to make Jalopnik a political commentary site instead of an automotive one. I really wish the editors would reel in some of this political opinion stuff.

I think Toyota has it right. This transition to electric cars is going to take a lot longer than most people would like. Where is the electricity going to come from? The liberal state of California can’t even keep it’s power going on a hot or windy day, and the conservative state of Texas can’t keep it’s power going

Napkins. Or rather my car collects napkins from fast food places. Your car probably does too. Yeah... that’s the answer...Napkins

Computer chips will be in high demand for the foreseeable future. Invest in chip companies if you haven’t already. I did.

Yeah, Why do they put an old man like him on a jeep commercial? Seems like us Boomers aren’t exactly their target market.

For me it’ll probably whatever car I have at the time of my death. I’m already 62, I live off the grid and without spending $40,000+ to upgrade my solar panels and batteries I could never meet the charging requirements of an EV.  But I can’t say for sure because there is this thing called ‘Hydrogen Fuel Cells’ that

So let me get this straight, the Feds want to give $10 billion so freeways can be turned into boulevards? Thus making it harder for those in poor communities to get out? Most cities have these things called an overpass or an underpass to get through to the other side. Thus, the cities are no less connected. Maybe the

Tesla can’t survive on credits forever. The question is will credits be enough to keep them going until they can actually make a profit selling cars?

For my wife and me it wasn’t the lights themselves but just regular aging of the eyes. After 50 for most people the eyes can’t adjust as fast to light and dark, causing increased eye strain and headaches. My eye doctor told me this is normal and to try to drive less at night.

You know I just can’t see Lexus as being anymore than a niche brand in the luxury market. It’s kind of like Cadillac, boring cars or SUV’s, slightly behind in trend setting technology. Still I wish them well.

In regards to Tesla’s first full year of profits we must realize that Wall Street looks at many different metrics when they determine if it’s ‘good enough’. Are they making any money selling cars? Or is it just because they sold a lot of carbon credits like before? Toyota and Volkswagen sold almost 19 million cars in

C’mon Erik! In your first sentence in first gear you said Tesla outsold Volkswagen last year. Hopefully that was just an error by someone who didn’t bother to proofread your article. My guess it was just a bit of lazy journalism when you meant to say Toyota outsold Volkswagen.