
Meh. That joke was mildly amusing, and not all that clever. And my mouth was still hanging open from her horrific comments about Jillian, which were NOT ok.

Can we talk about the atrocity that is Jenny Mollen? Nothing she said was funny, a lot of it was pretty wildly offensive, and I thought Chris Harrison was going to kill her. Can she be fired now?

I was disappointed in that, too. I’m hoping that the fact that it was very frankly discussed by other transwomen in the episode means she’ll be evolving on this over the course of the series. I’m guessing that part of the deal with this show was that she got final cut (I do know the Kardashians have that for their

Counterpoint: Mila Kunis was in Ted.

Before he left college to model, he was a biochemical engineering major. I think he might secretly be smart, just plays up the Kelso vibe because it got him work.

I googled. I’m not ashamed to admit it. Ryan and Jaclyn split for pretty much all the reasons said on the reunion special — he made no effort, she’s pretty bummed.

I think the irony is more that the military is actually addressing climate change, and the Pentagon has repeatedly come out warning about the national security effects of inaction. Given the obsession with chain of command in the military, you’d think the lower ranks would listen to the highest ranking officials. I

He's a cardboard cut out. He looks pretty, and he's got that "gee darn, I'm so sweet" Prince Farming (vomit) thing down. But there's no there there. Underneath the cute smile and the big muscles, he is a complete and utter meat head who is utterly incoherent and bad at life.

Are we not talking about the fact that he:

Thanks. Sorry to jump to conclusions, I suppose it's just a pretty sensitive subject for me. That's why I edited my comment — as soon as I hit enter, I was like, "MarkPaul, you are being WAY too hypersensitive right now..."

There's nothing wrong with someone who's had to take a restraining order out against an ex. The problem there is with the ex, not the victim of their harassment. It's a pretty decent way of making the drama (mostly) stop, in my personal experience.

Yup, he is. And agreed. Him saying there are no gay people in Great Britain is even more insane than Jax saying there are no gay people in the Midwest.

SO CASUALLY! The rest of the cast members were actually so cool about the whole thing, I was surprised no one at the table called him on it.

Anybody else notice James' rather homophobic statement? About how he's not into blokes kissing boys, that's "an American thing."

This isn't quite accurate. She's chosen not to end her life yet. But she still plans on carrying out assisted suicide later, when her life really is just about dying instead of about living.

The point of this video is that even those "mild" comments wear on you after an entire lifetime of hearing them. And while the comments themselves are mild, the attitude behind them is NOT.

This. She seems to be a perfectionist, who isn't willing to hand her baby off to someone else.

I have been wondering about this exact same thing. They just ditched him to bring in another romantic interest for Julia. I WANT DAVE BACK.

I figured it was a nod to Adam Pally's Happy Endings character.

I know. I'm sorry about that part of it. It's so good while it lasts—and then it's so, so sad. I miss them every day.