Like short for Rebekah, which is a pretty common spelling.
Like short for Rebekah, which is a pretty common spelling.
Polite counterpoint: The fact that he specifically said that good men who haven’t done these things aren’t going to be affected is the problem.
I’ve looked them up. “I see nothing better, I keep him forever.” She’s not talking about him wronging her at all.
Huh? I don’t hear this being about wrongs against her. It sounds more like it’s about her actually being happy in a relationship...
The organizations supporting the march are clearly listed, so it should be fairly easy to Google them & donate on their websites.
I really wish this had a more realistic end game. Demand that Congress censure Trump for his remarks, or that the budget provide specific funding for education programs combating racism, or something that might actually happen sometime in the near future. It drives me insane that so many of my fellow liberals refuse…
I thought the wink was when she told people to do what they should do when a thoughtful movie with two female leads comes out and stay home? ...I think it’s pretty obvious she doesn’t think that’s what we should be doing.
My two cents: I don’t think white women should be making this about them, or considering themselves victims of this rally (aside from, of course, literal victim Heather Heyer & anyone injured in Charlottesville this weekend).
I do think that toxic masculinity contributes to white supremacy, and that feminism (and…
None of those things take the same amount of time as giving my mind a small work break to browse the internet. I’ll say it shorter so you might get the point: The fact that you can’t put yourself in another person’s shoes for a second is pretty gross. It’s called empathy, darling, give it a try.
Your comment smacks of judgment to me. It’s great that you have the time and energy to do all of that for yourself. Not everyone does. The grocery stores near me aren’t places that I can just “swing by.” My local Trader Joe’s? The line is regularly at least an hour long. People literally just stand in line to shop, it…
I googled this and I LOVE this pairing. If I can’t be with Dean, she is the perfect person for him.
I’m extremely late to the party, so I know it’s possible no one will see this, BUT: Ladies, what’s your favorite pair of shoes for being a tourist?
I just booked my first trip out of the country in forever, and I’ll be heading to parts of Europe heavy on the cobblestone and doing LOTS of walking, so I need something…
Never said I fault the dancers. But most professional gigs only have a few swings, so this likely used up all of hers so that if another dancer got injured, they wouldn’t have any back ups.
Most professional gigs only have a few swings, so this likely used up all of hers so that if another dancer got injured, they wouldn’t have any back ups.
Find her “own” dancers? They don’t belong to just one person. She probably did find these during an audition process. Dancers generally go on multiple tours—they just do usually stay in one until it’s over.
There probably were understudies. Understudies are not as good as the people who already got the part. That’s why they’re understudies.
ETA: Also, they don’t have enough understudies for every dancer. They probably only have a few — so this move could’ve pulled all her understudies out, meaning she had none left if…
As a former dancer who admittedly never made it anywhere near this level, I think it would be a huge pain to lose 3 people who have put in the work and learned every second of your show, and have to replace them all with new people who don’t know any of it. Someone who’s been doing your show for 30 days just won’t be…
That just broke my heart. He really had so much potential. I remember seeing him on Angel and being floored by his accent—his American accent was so spot on, I had no idea he was actually Irish. He really was an incredibly talented actor, and if it hadn’t been for his illness... it’s tragic.
Milo’s a psycho? I’ve never heard anything bad about him... What am I missing?