Mark McDonalds

I think it completely obliterates the notion that you need “pitchers” to begin with. Clearly anybody who is a great hitter also has the capability to be at least a mediocre pitcher, instead of the automatic BP machine so many of them are.

A Rafael Nadal post sure is an interesting place to assert that a sport has “no way to play defense.”

Sounds like being joked about by a former student really threw him off his rhythm.


Which step in The Process is having two 1st pick overall point guards with horribly broken jump shots? I seem to have lost my flowchart.

You don’t understand the depth and brilliance of their approach. They’re sacrificing the short-term gains of winning any games in this series, so they can win the next series.

More proof that Kanye was right. Today, sad white men are choosing to be owned.

OK so the hipsters have come for DVDs now. Can anyone remember they last time they held a CD/DVD? No they can’t because it’s fucking stupid. If someone handed me a CD and said “Watch this!” I would throw it in the trash. We now have the ability to directly beam photons in the form of movies and TV shows anytime,



Let’s keep examining the crazy. That trade was an absolute robbery for Cleveland. At the time they received:

Oh cool, a guy commenting on baseball who doesn’t know where right field is.

What the Dems don’t seem to get is that the shutdown *was* a terrible, disgusting, display of grandstanding if they’re not going to actually do anything with it!

Do something good for the kids

All our bonuses and cash awards are taxed at the highest rate.

This is not true. Bonuses and wages are treated exactly the same. Your employer may withhold different amounts between the two, but at the end of the year when you do your taxes they both considered earnings on your taxes.

Doesn’t mean he gets an award

fuck “class”. she’s trying to make real change in the industry. expecting women to be “classy” while they work hard at things is just another way of policing them.

I’m more interested what he thinks about the cops that worship the Punisher and put his logo on their cop cars. That’s the most horrifying one for me.

I love the vague shit that people pull when claiming Kaep wasn’t that good. The numbers tell you that he WAS good. He put up very good numbers last year (much better than Mediocre White QB #4212 that he replaced midseason, a guy, who BTW easily got another job in the league) on a shit team.