God that mustache is glorious. I’m assuming he shaved it because of the drag it was creating when he’d spin around to hit the chimes and gong though.
God that mustache is glorious. I’m assuming he shaved it because of the drag it was creating when he’d spin around to hit the chimes and gong though.
It’s like they took the Voltron/Transformers toys of the 90s and made a car to strum the nostalgia nerve.
Right? Wouldn’t it make more sense for them to have a card wrapped in foil or whatever and stuck in the box so that you had to purchase and open the cereal to scan the card?
Yeah, hard pass on the purple.
I know it’s not 100% correct but I have memorized an incarnation of the half windsor. It all eventually works out, it just takes a couple of tries if I don’t look up the video first.
I usually just smash the window in now instead of picking the lock. I found that when I’m burgling I often don’t have enough time to watch a youtube refresher ;)
Hey, you’ve got basketball.
This guy basically just built an entire car and I still have to look up youtube videos when I want to tie a tie.
Let’s put the dictionary down now.
I’m a fan of the Gundam pilot look.
They are damn fine looking jackets. I would never ride with it, either.
I’ll admit that I’m a bit late to the game. I made a new three-pedaled focused character after maxing my Planetary skill then my Two-Wheeled skill brackets.
Three-Pedaled increased to 26
For anyone struggling with the conversion, this car is about 171 fox-years old.
Aww :(
Do you have a link to the review? Sounds like an interesting read.
Yeah the Postal Service concept looks like it’s been spooked pretty bad.
Based on the eternally shitty condition of the roads around DC, I have no faith that autonomous vehicles will ever be able to operate in this area. Unless they are autonomous Unimogs.
LASERs, probably.