Bring back Peter Gabriel and costumes!
Bring back Peter Gabriel and costumes!
It’s fascinating that they can patent a particular orbit. Thanks for the info, can’t wait to look into it tomorrow!
True, I really didn’t even think about the cost/resources involved in shipping those parts that kind of distance across borders. Launch programs definitely aren’t my specialty!
Sure, the fundamentals are super simple when you’re talking about the two-body problem. Higher order equations like variation of parameters and the n-body problem is where it gets more difficult. When you get to the regime where you’re dealing with lunar gravity effects this comes into play.
You can more easily reach a lunar orbit with a much smaller mass satellite than large mass launch vehicle by raising apogee if you’re already in a HEO. Once you get into 3-body (or more with the Sun) dynamics things start to get a bit more unpredictable and computationally intensive.
Also, to follow up, I was working on a project that investigated the feasibility of performing a lunar swing-by from a HEO (an already large one with an apogee radius at 28 earth radii [Re] anyway). We had spinner spacecraft with pretty small thrusters (4 lbf) that could only fire in a burn angle dependent on the…
That’s what I was thinking. The moon would be able to circularize it to a degree but I think you’d still have to lower your apogee or perigee significantly to get into GSO.
I’m guessing lunar swing-by to significantly alter the inclination of the orbit but from a flight dynamics standpoint that seems like a much harder problem to solve than to just continue to use Baikonur.
I was going to comment that the taxi looked like it could easily find a home in FF8.
Yeah, then it will be the Destiny Extension Pass which will, once again, just be access to the DLC they release throughout the year.
Forsaken is the new expansion on the scale of The Taken King from Destiny 1. It’ll cost $40 for Forsaken and you have to own D2 base game as well as Curse of Osiris and Warmind expansions already to play it. The Annual Pass is then available for purchase ($30 maybe?) which gets you access to an additional 3 DLC (like…
It seems to inhibit visibility considerably and I could never tell if the arrow was landing. Can you hip fire it?
First Test: Let’s hit the helmet a bit harder.
I don’t think there’s a bird on this planet that Randy Johnson can’t explode with a baseball.
I’ve also played both, prefer OW much more as it’s way more polished and balanced in general, but for a free game Paladins is pretty fun. Sure there are similar characters but they are by no means carbon-copies.
Water doesn’t run off the edges because the antarctic icewall keeps the oceans contained. Heavily guarded by NASA armed guards, of course.
I bought this last time it was on sale and really like it. It feels really well made, doesn’t have a ton of pockets or storage area but it’s good for me toting around my laptop/charger/a book or two. Straps/buckles are kinda annoying if you’re gonna be constantly packing up and moving but I take my laptop out once a…
I bought this last time it was on sale and really like it. It feels really well made, doesn’t have a ton of pockets…
That’s quite the Landslide the Cadillac is doing around that Ford.
You’ve peaked my interest in the Hella H4. As someone who doesn’t have a lot to spend on headlight right now (but desperately wants something other than factory non-LED JK lamps), is it worth switching out factory for the Hellas? I see they are like $31 on Amazon...