
To: Caitlin

Probably eating a crab cake sandwich with his left hand.

I totally get the frustration, and no one can tell you how you should or should not feel about those sorts of interactions. I can only offer my own opinion: as a white guy myself, I try to do the right thing. I try to live my life based on principles like justice and empathy. I am acutely aware that those principles

That 46+ days thing is wrong.

OMG, I just visualized a new consumer product: Crushed potato chips in a bottle — pour it down the hatchet instead of spilling crumbs on the sofa.

Yeah, that's realistic advice:

You never talk about your ex's. They ask something, tell them you don't remember and that shit didn't mean enough to want to remember. Then, change the subject back to your current SO, as she is trying to set a trap for you. It's a test. It's always a test. And failure is about 90% guaranteed.

But for the most part, is it worth your time and gas to drive around to different parts of town to a handful of different stores just to save a dollar or two at each? I would rather get all my shopping done in one trip instead of wasting an extra 30-60 minutes stopping at different stores.

The tl;dr version - you're welcome. And btw, in five years, they'll probably come back and tell us the exact opposite of all this.

Numbers, huh?

In reverse it appears she is picking her nose and then putting something on his neck...

Oh my god it gets funnier every single time

You bought a human?!

If your cable provider allows, buying your own modem can save you a lot (eventually).

If its not delivered by drone, it's not worth the experience.