
*Not a Joke*

- Daddy, what do you do when you go to work?

What does Larry David's head smell like?

Isn't the headline image a tiny bit extremely racist?

Nor will it be the last time someone use's an apostrophe incorrectly.

I was COMPLETELY prepared to hate it, but it was fabulous in every way. She gets the MB crazyeyes down like nobody's business.

Don't know where to start?

Why don't the police set up random safety check points at choke points in the road where the bikers can't turn down a sidewalk or cross over into oncoming traffic, impound every bike without a plate and cite every rider who does not have a motorcycle endorsement. Lumpkin County does this all the time here in Georgia

Yeah it sucks when "life" gets in the way of re-paying your loans. I owe about $40k but I'm married and have 2 kids in daycare and a mortgage. I could payoff my loans quicker if it weren't for those pesky kids and that wife.

The word "pills" springs to mind.

The last time I politely asked the officer when is radar was last calibrated, I was unsuccessful in persuading him to not write the ticket. I hired a traffic lawyer, paid $100 and the case was dismissed. I'm thinking the officer's radar was off the mark.