
See also: holding penalties. Source: every football team in the world

Speaking of swapping crazy beaters, the NFL trade deadline is Tuesday

Just another one of Urban Meyer’s QBs scrambling to avoid taking a hit.

Clearly you have never been to Arizona State.

Holy GOP! Never in my life did I expect to see a Swede blame the 99% for the uneven distribution of wealth.

Yeah! And why isn’t Deadspin talking about Hitler today?! He led the genocide of MILLIONS! It’s almost like they don’t want to talk about non-current events or something.

In my experience playing and coaching football, advocates of “tough love” by physical intimidation and/or violence were, to a man, abused by their parents, or abusive parents. It is a sad, terrible, endless cycle. Add Greg Hardy to the list.

I can’t star this enough. Generally, cable providers have really great offers for opening a new account. Ask for that rate. If they won’t give it to you, threaten to close your account and start a new one to get that rate. They’ll usually give it to you, because it’s much cheaper for them to just give you a lower rate

“Maybe someone could open the baby gate for Daniel Fells?”

“I would have kept the quarterback on the field.” We know, Brady. We know.

Thank you, Deadspin.

If there’s one thing Dusty Baker could do as a player, it’s take a hit.

So, basically, the Colts are a JV high school football team?

I’d argue that this is more a case of what inevitably happens when 18 year dudes have access to some money and zero adult oversight. I don’t really see the difference between Louisville basketball recruits and Indiana frat recruits, other than a more even girl:guy ratio.

Zebra F-402.

Zebra F-402.

Now playing

“If you do [start and finish marathons], and someone asks if you’re a [marathoner], you have to say yes because that is how words work. You can’t be like ‘oh, yeah, I’m a doctor that primarily does diseases of the skin,’ ‘oh, so you’re a dematologist?’ ‘oh no, that’s way too aggressive of a word. No no no, not at all,

“I don’t believe that starting and finishing a marathon makes you a marathoner”

Really? What more qualifications do you need to be a basketball player than, you know, playing basketball?

Flip the bat, drop the protest.