
Bullshit with Butterfly Wings?

“Inadvertently.” -Harvey Updyke

Your undefeated 1-1 Oklahoma State Cowboys!

Except Realmuto was awarded a single, not an out.

Some stodgy “journalistic integrity” types wanted to take the fun out of baseball. See here:

Just watched again and it was smooth and great. Is this a problem with my computer?

Why is this video so intolerable to watch? I can feel for Rajai if he is trying to catch a replay of this video.

Carmel? The city Clint Eastwood used to be mayor of?

Ah, yes. Toby Keith’s Getting Hit by this Car and Grill.

Actually, it’s about ethics in sports journalims.

Oh, your math is terrible. That’s a 9:06 /mile.

They’re in it for the bitches.

Are we not making clever team names?

CN 16-1, why aren’t you at your post? CN 16-1, do you copy?

I can only assume they wanted to name the barge RTFM and later decided to dial it back.

No Snappers in Oz. Those suckers live in the southern U.S. I used to think I knew an ancient one that was 3 ft across in the shell(almost a full meter!), then I found out there is a disputed claim for a 403 lb. specimen from Kansas.

He’s not an actor. That’s actually him!

Not reading the comments before I post this, but is it not obvious that after Ashildr points out that the hybrid could be more than one person and then Me and Clara go off Thelma and Louising into the space/time continuum that they are the hybrid? Viking and Englishwoman are surely warrior races, no?