Darth Mario

Don’t hold your breath. If Pelosi literally tossed Trump down a reactor shaft Star Wars style, Splinter would be right there bitching that she lifted with her back instead of her legs.

+1 dicktooth

Putin doesn’t let him go anywhere without a handler.

He’s a fucking traitor and the republicans that support him are fucking traitors.

Counterpoint -

I had high hopes for this film,and seemingly the producers bought a lot of favorable press. But all the talk of a smart scifi film was a rather boring and technically laughable snooze fest. I really regret the time and money I spent on this.

Hey, we gotta subvert those expectations...

The more of that article I read, the more I realized how little I care. 

Wish I could care about this anymore.

1 Tobacco: kills around 8 million per year, men, women children per year. Gets little label on side of package in tiny print.

I can easily tell The last image is not the first Thor.

I can easily tell The last image is not the first Thor.

You can actually tell the difference: one is self-made billionaire working his as off to keep the world inhabitable and our air breathable, the other inherited his wealth and denies the inconvenient scientific consensus and is rolling back laws that are restricting pollution.

God this show was stupid

If they’d just followed Terminator rules for time travel and had them go naked, they could have saved a ton of time. Also, the film would have made an additional $27 billion.

A politician can say anything.  It is their actions, however, by which one should judge their intent.   In all cases.  

I would expect the actual production version of an electric S-Class to be toned down somewhat

Stop punishing young women for making you horny.

Crazy lighting feels like an EV design feature these days.  I know these lights use very little electric, BUT they have to use some and isn’t that wasteful? I can’t remember a car maker that ever put an eternal flame on their car in some oddly wasteful design feature.  

Unless you are Trumpity Dump Dump, you have to have a permanent filter in place. It’s a bizzaro mirror world where because one blatantly racist dementia victim with a massive persecution complex and a deeply deserved ingrained inferiority issue has been elevated to “president”, every other person running against him

Was that one gee gravity at the lunar base? 😒