Darth Mario

Any chance to dump on Musk is clickbait gold

That’s the future.  Autonomous driving is coming, because few people really want to be involved in the driving process. 

In 2018, ESA had to perform 28 avoidance maneuvers, reports C|net, so this isn’t hugely out of the ordinary. That said, it is “very rare to miss an opportunity to make a story out of nothing when it involves Elon Musk”


Every stripper I’ve ever seen genuinely wants to fuck me. It’s clear.

Can Kat Dennings be She-Hulk? Please?

Star Wars: The Force Gets Put to Sleep

why not? I mean, there’s only just one movie.

I think the issues are in the reporting, not the truth

I hope all your sweets turn to dust before you can eat them. 

Lol, let me guess. I’m going to say, “Because it will help frame the current socioeconomic, political and existential circumstances that the black community suffers from.” To which you’ll move the goal posts and play dumb by saying, “So telling people they were once slaves is helping them not suffer anymore?”.

See, but the Confederate statues remind people about the civil war and how we ‘eliminated’ slavery.

And conservatives are all about bringing people together ... in camps.

As always, shut the fuck up Tomato.

Surprise! They’re all retarded.

Science bitches!

The stupid and poor are an absolute boon to the GOP. 

why do you talk like this in 2019?

I think Rashomon is a much better example of his range; Playing through the same scenario from different perspectives, all convincing but none of which are the truth...