Darth Mario


God damn, he was one suave fucker.

Duncan was represented best among the non-Paul characters (and I always like Jason Momoa, even when everything around him is weak; he’s got charm to burn) and they still watered (oops) him down compared to the book.

What complexity? They smoothed over virtually every textural element of the novel. They did so in order to focus more on Paul alone. Perversely, however, this oversimplifies Paul himself. Here’s an incomplete list of elements lost, often unnecessarily:

Just as bad as the weird losers who base their entire personality around hating him.

It’s better than most of the films

Yeah Grogu is a name that will have to grow on me. I kept hearing Goku lol. Also I did not recognize that was Michael Biehn!! Wow has he aged.... I’m gonna have to go back and watch that episode again.

It’s a lot like the original film really. It’s really simple western style stories with very little character development and even less world building. It’s honestly really fun, there’s literally nothing on TV that is this unashamedly pulpy with this sort of budget.  

My opinion: taken as a whole it’s the best Star Wars movie since Empire.

This asshole illegally acquired a gun and crossed state lines with the intention of shooting people and has the gall to claim he committed multiple murders in self-defense. The only sad part is that he didn’t have the common sense God gave the average cockroach to stay home instead.

When Livonia sends people to Detroit, they’re not sending us their best.

...but a miserable pile of secrets!

What is a man?

And he proved, in the end, there can be only one.

Solo was fine. It was nothing special, but it was fine.

Solo was alright. It was nothing special, but it wasn’t actively bad the way Rise of Skywalker was.

I remember seeing Rogue One in theatres and being pretty meh about it. Some good characters, pretty visuals, and a great Vader scene sated me but didn’t get me excited.

By the end of April, Michigan was 3rd in the nation in number of cases. Today, we’re 18th in total and active cases, despite being 8th in population. In total cases per capita we rank 37th.

It’s a power move. I’m not tired and cranky because I have cramps, I am fighting fucking sharks with my goddamn uterus, motherfuckers!

That’s no gaffe. I bet it buys her 3 points in the polls.