Darth Mario

will Tom Hiddleston be too busy to do this?

Boo! Still Shilling for Lamestop? I don’t care if they are giving away blowjobs. They are a terrible company. Boo I say.

Boo! Still Shilling for Lamestop? I don’t care if they are giving away blowjobs. They are a terrible company. Boo I

Ok, refresh my memory, which one’s the autistic one again?

So I shouldn’t be fapping to this then right?

gamestop has never been an essential anything

BIGGER! These need bigger screens damn it.

Kinda hoping they’ve finally cast Balder.

Daredevil has never looked better!

I was hoping this article would tell me witch Chinese knock off has the best performance/emulators,

After literally wiping the Jedi out, you don’t think that the Emperor wouldn’t wipe out every trace of them from history? History goes to the victor after all.

Snook” lol, why not. It really doesn’t matter anyway.

that’s perfect now.

When I read crap like this it’s obvious they don’t know what they have or what to do with it. Or maybe it’s just the wrong handlers in charge of the property?

Sorcerers of death’s construction

Please stop calling  yourself a “Michigander”. It’s fucking stupid.

Cool story bra, U mad you weren’t invited to the starship presentation today?

I feel like there are no professional film critics that will tell us the truth anymore. Ebert used to be my go-to review guy. damn. :-(

8K or GTFO

8K or GTFO


Die GameStop! Die!