Darth Mario
marioooooooo don’t have to be from some magical dynastic lineage in order to make a difference in things...

I will never not want to watch Princess Mononoke.

For England James?”

Life’s too short to spend listening to or encouraging Catholic bullshit.

TL/DR but fixed the title for you.

Life is too short to wait for Disney to tell a compelling “Star Wars” story.

No one called anybody a “snowflake” in 1983, also quad runners that big weren’t available till after 1984. Other than that, I enjoyed it.

All this means is  vote mothefukas vote!

It completely took me out of the movie. Oh hey, it’s that guy from that other shitty show.

lo lo lo lo Lola!


Shipping, shipping... shipping, and... I’m spent.

Only 4! That’s so not fair...

Hey shut up. We need self driving cars. :-p

This is the best thing on tv right now.

I’m trying to temper my expectations but all I could think was “holy shit this looks awesome”

plus, Julianne Moore’s tits.

The Rocketeer didn’t have any actual stars,

I get her mixed up with Amy Smart all the time. 

Come for T’Challa, stay for Bucky.