Marion Coatesworth-Hay

So I’m visiting my girlfriend and we go to her 12 year old daughter’s sporting event. They’re obviously white. I’m obviously black. Some issue comes up and one of the white folks is talking to my girlfriend’s daughter and asks if “your mom and ... *looks me up and down quickly* ... stepdad are coming to <insert destina

My experience, having worked with asshole lawyer bosses of both genders (some of whom actually mentored Sen. Klobuchar), is that many asshole women bosses can be particularly cruel and disrespectful to the women who work for them. As the only guy working on a team with 10+ women, I often had a much more positive

If your response to someone being an asshole is to say “get the fuck over it,” you might be the asshole!

“Some also speculated that some of the negative perceptions about her standards might stem from sexist assumptions about female bosses.”

I just want to confirm, do you own a restaurant or something, or juat really love tomatoes?

Did you...did you even read the article? Or did you read the headline and immediately come trotting into the comments section to give us your opinion? I’m betting on the latter. God knows you can’t actually read the article, you might learn something, and if you learn something, you might question your almighty


Do American not just put ketchup on their KD?

Exactly. So few doctors go into this very needed speciality, so +one million to folks like Dr. Shah that not only provide vital services but that also actively work to destigmatize the taboo and disinformation spread around them.


I would like to know more about this too, and I welcome any suggestions. Only buying clothing made in the USA, I feel, strips even a small and painfully-earned income from someone in the Third World (and ignores the fact that sweatshops are also operated under the radar in the US). I buy most of my clothes at

Nice enough guy, just has a tendency to comb over when not invited.

Bigger Problem...Racist Doctors

I’ll confess that before this story broke, I had no idea medical school yearbooks were even a thing.

The best tweet this weekend:

“...the sort of health hazard that Colin Powell would have loved to put in a small vial and present to the United Nations.”

....and only weighs 230 pounds

OK, see, I was gonna say, you know how people get kinda yellow if they are alcoholics forever?  Rosacea + Jaundice = Orange.  It’s color theory.