Marion Coatesworth-Hay

From the other side of the story, this kangaroo is the hero of his troop. “This bloody bogan drops out the sky, so I right walloped ‘im.”

True. I haven’t seen the documentary, so I really can’t comment.

I assume you’ll show this level of compassion the next time a kid does something hateful and stupid, right?

Fuck that this kid absolutely should have been arrested because he’ll never forget that lesson. He won’t get any jail time, because he’s 12, but I’m betting the judge makes him do community service and counseling/education, which is the right punishment. The concerns that this kid is going to jail are ridiculous. 

She sounds awesome although I’m really not a fan of her position on assisted suicide. Wouldn’t a better idea be to advocate for the laws to include protections against manipulating disabled people?

Some people with disabilities, especially those that manifest more physically and are more visible, seem to fear that physican-assisted suicide will lead to a ‘duty to die’ and the involuntary euthanasia. I understand that fear, but I think the current physician-assisted suicide laws are written to avoid that, as well

Am I the only one who half expected that PGA tweet to end like all his political endorsement tweets?

+1 failure of the Canadian public school system!

Goodloe continued, “It’s like rain on your wedding day. It’s a free ride when you’ve already paid. It’s calling for the klu klux klan to lynch people. Who would’ve thought, it figures."

Her two boys will be a year old in a few weeks. It has been so fun watching them grow. They also take badass pics!

You guys are really gonna dig your heels in on that spelling of Hasson’s name, huh?

WHY is there so much revulsion about this? You’re (the royal you, as in lots of people out there) fine with drinking a cow’s breast milk, but not another human’s? That is 10000% social construct. Breast milk is the only milk that is truly meant for human consumption. Why is it good for baby but gross for everyone

Does the random capitalization of letters get under your skin? Because it gets under my skin.

I suffer from mental health issues and that’s exactly why I don’t care to see the mental illness card pulled in this situation. Mental health issues should not a blanket excuse for, or equated with shitty behavior. Full stop.

Thank you for opening up and sharing this. Your story went straight to a co-worker/friend of mine who jumped on the “infanticide” bandwagon recently. She is usually a middle of the road person, and as a young mother of two I couldn’t believe she repeated that BS. If this doesn’t open her eyes to the truth about late

If it’s true that he did this for a pay raise... wow. It certainly wasn’t to raise awareness of the legitimate crimes being perpetrated against people of color, or members of the LGBTQ community; victims who have no voice and no one to advocate for them. He had a platform that could have been used to advocate for

The wall exists in a state of perpetual quantum flux, it both needs to be built, is already built, needs funding, has already been funded, is the strongest there ever was, is weak and ineffectual, and so forth. I'm pretty sure Trump's plan is to create a paradox so great in nature that the universe is torn asunder at

That certainly makes a difference. 

With a name like hassan, I expected someone not so pale. 

Me: looking for a job