Marion Coatesworth-Hay

you’ll have traffickers having three and four women with tape on their mouths and tied up, sitting in the back of a van or a car, and they’ll drive that van or the car not through a port of entry,”

Shelter Cat Update!

As much as I love anime (sometimes), some of the more negative aspects of Japanese society still shine through even in that stuff sometimes. Like their sexualization of underage girls, rigid gender roles, xenophobia, racial stereotyping, grueling, soul-crushing work environments, conformity. Even their denial of WWII

C’mon, Japan...I want to love you, but between this and restarting the whale hunts, you’re making it very difficult.

What the hell?

Here’s hoping nobody dies in the line of duty.

She heard her father get murdered and saw her mother get murdered. There are no words.

My friend is living in the DC area and currently being furloughed. Apparently someone made the mistake of telling his wife that at least he would at least be able to take care of the kids and save them some money on daycare. Except they can’t because they have to pay on a monthly basis. And if the boys don’t show,

Thank you so much for writing this. I’ve tried to put in words on a couple of stories here lately and just couldn’t do it. I was adopted literally at birth, my adoptive mother was the OBGY nurse who delivered me. Being an adoptee is hard. It’s a giant mental weight that drags you down your entire life. I’m glad I have

The white savior vision is strong in transracial adoptions. I would be a millionaire if I got paid everyone told me how “lucky” I am to be adopted by an American family. I’ve also had people tell me that if I weren’t adopted, I probably would have been a prostitute in my home country. Gee, thanks.

Half black half Rican here- no secret that colorism is still a major problem among Latinos and when they get called out on it, they love to say “oh but we are such a mixed group of people, and my grandmother was this and my garandfather looked like that.” Those comments are not surprising and she is never going to

How did everyone blow right past the fact that this wine is coming from Russia?

Also having adoption as an option versus abortion is so so disingenuous. People counseled that to me when I was planning to have an abortion- I was like “I don’t want to be pregnant- adoption would not be a solution” 

Shame on you for shaming her!  And shame on me for shaming you!  And for shame on us all for shaming the act of shaming a shameful shaming of a shameful shamer.  For shame!

Yara Shahidi is half Persian. Apropos of nothing and not meant to engage with this rambling article, just something I wasn’t aware of until recently and I found mildly interesting.

Alternatively Peeps provide a source of sugary goodness.

to try to diffuse conflict

Fun story: My husband was taking our 6yo daughter to see his father for two days without me. The night before they left he asked me, “Have you packed her stuff?” Um... no. My favorite answer to this is, “What would you do if I was dead?” He said, “I’d just go to WalMart once we get to our destination and buy her what

It’s not that they CAN’T do it, it’s that they don’t want to. The thing is...many moms don’t “want” to do it either, but they do anyway. My first husband was exactly like this, and I felt like I was raising three children. I finally decided, if I’m going to be essentially a single mom, I might as well enjoy the perks

Seems like the same kind of guy who calls taking care of his own kids “babysitting.”