Marion Coatesworth-Hay

“living room pond” is a terrific phrase. I had a coworker who ended up being the primary caregiver for an iguana after her sons entered their teens and lost interest. He loved his two-legged mom; he kept breaking out of his tank to be wherever she was, once actually shattering the glass and crawling into the kitchen

Ollie has taken to placing his paw in my hand when he’s sleeping. 

Here’s Pete.

Reminds me of that photo of the Native American family flipping off Mt. Rushmore and the idiots who were like “GO BACK TO YOUR OWN COUNTRY.”

My little cousin, who I nannied, was at the March For Life. I’m heartbroken.

It takes an impressive level of stupidity to shout “Build the Wall” at an Indigenous People’s March...

also when i read the part where he says their baby was conceived three weeks into their relationship, i full-body cringed

As a “Cannibal Witch.” I’m surprised how ignorant you are of societies that did practice cannibalism, such as the Neanderthals, the Mesoamerican, South American, South Pacific, and African cultures. In Philippine folklore there is the Aswang, a winged female ghoul who sucks the fetuses of pregnant women. But what do

Here I thought the situation was that she wanted a glass of wine, but didn’t have a glass and was just too much of a “lady” to drink from the bottle so she worked with what she had.

BTW love your name!

Texas? This sounds like the most Florida thing ever. 

I only recently learned about her because my niece has sheets and a pillowcase with her picture on it, which isn’t creepy at all. I’m sure she’s a perfectly fine role model, but I really hope she’s out of style by the time my daughter gets into her age demographic, something about her just unsettles me.


Evidence is showing the desperate people aren’t stopped by the *sea* and the risk of drowning. Why the hell does he still think they’d be stopped by the perspective of having to climb a ladder? (no, don’t answer that)

This American Life had an interesting show last weekend about various walls around the world including a very important one in Norway.

“I’m an Asian trapped in a white body.”

Only once they have children, they must stop. And it is woman’s profession /s

I’m surprised this school even hires women. Shouldn’t they be at home in the kitchen or submitting to their husbands?

They justify hiring women by paying them much less (or not at all).  

Literally some Handmaid’s Tale shit.