Marion Coatesworth-Hay

I have a theory Ivanka will be her father’s choice for VP in the 2020 elections. Trump must be about ready to dump Pence in return for his unfathomably loyal service.

I try hard to ignore Trump tweets but this pisses me off because vets are a huge chunk of the federal workforce and are a disproportionate chunk of the people working without pay or unable to work because of this stupid shutdown over his ego. Especially since my husband works for a federal agency overseeing 100 people

Why the fuck does he capitalize words that are not proper names. Jesus H. fucking Christ, see this is how to capitalize.

Yes, this is so important!

Your wife sounds like a hoarder in the making. You might be doing her a favor by watching the show with her and gently suggesting putting some of the principles into action. She may actually thank you. As with many things in life, people often procrastinate with difficult tasks, simply because they feel overwhelmed

Ivanka’s shortlist:

True story: I’d like to make extra cash with a garage sale. But then I remember how flesh-crawlingly awful it can be to host a garage sale. Especially the EARLY shoppers who pester you when you are just putting out your crapload o’ crap at a grossly early time of day. Or persistent geezers who want to whine their way

They were discontinued, probably for similar health concerns.

I’d personally like Marie Kondo to go to my MIL’s house and tell her to donate all her extra stuff directly to thrift stores instead of trying to foist it off on me. Being the frequent recipient of clothes purchased by a woman thirty years older and five inches shorter than me sparks no joy :/.

Personally, I think there is much more value in applying her principle (“only keep things that bring you joy”) to buying things. Her method is great at purging crap from your house, but does not address the crap from entering it in the first place. I suppose it’s a good first step.

Trump is the proverbial infinite monkeys on infinite typewriters.

It’s like you’re the perfect example of why Trump is going to win the Rustbelt again.

Now playing

With these cold burgers, you are really spoiling us…

Goddammit. I read the headline and thought, “He’s getting thrown off the Supreme Court already? Allright!”

Katherine Schwarzenegger, the 29-year old author.”

For some reason this part made me laugh! It’s so Michael Scott!

Please don’t forget their attempts to rehome an elderly cat on Twitter because they were trying to procreate. He’s a douche. (So is she, to be fair.)

So a man who once claimed he loved hunting, that seeing an animal die brings him closer to God and who tried to give away his pet cat on Twitter is now engaged to an animal rights advocate and is following the Daniel Diet, a diet in which you avoid animal flesh as a way to bring you “closer to God”. Let’s hope his

Katherine Schwarzenegger’s latest work is a 2017 children’s book called Maverick and Me, which is based on her own experience with dog adoption and animal rescue advocacy.