Marion Coatesworth-Hay

Thanks for this insight. I’m 38, and the only one of my friends single, never married, and childless. I have always wanted those things, but I also never met anyone worth the compromise and I’m not well off enough to have a child by myself. I know my best friends pity me even if they aren’t happy in their own

I couldn’t BELIEVE the number of pathetic old white dudes with young asian girlfriends the first time I went to Bangkok (let’s not even talk about places like Pattaya). Like, I expected it, but you could have built a god damn skyscraper out of them there were so many.

I just asked my daughter if she would want to see this man naked. She threw up a bit in her mouth, and now I want to make it a gif and tweet it to him. 

I hope the baby is whisked away to be raised by a charming, loving family in Finland where he/she can grow up petting reindeer and watching the Northern Lights and never knowing anything about this.

I’m 63 and he looks like my grandfather.

Ok I realise there are way more important things in this article, but how is the vice-president assessing whether the victim, who has been in a vegetative state for more than a decade, is devastated by this? For me it makes the whole statement kind of tone deaf and meaningless. Do better, Hacienda healthcare. Do

If I could afford to regularly purchase £5,000 paintings for my cat to destroy on a whim, I would, because she is a queen and deserves it.

In regards to the  Alaksan Weather, where exactly is Alaksa and why should we be paying for it’s weather service?  Treaty obligations or something?  Are they on to the secret solution to global warming maybe?

How on earth did a dog learn how to type?!

You misspelled “she’d be prettier if she smiled more.”

Cats don’t like displays of material wealth. It’s also why they prefer to play with trash they find on the ground to the expensive toys we buy them. 

It is a fact that cats hate anything we treasure. Somewhat related: for Halloween, I decided to turn my living room into the Sanderson sisters’ house from Hocus Pocus. It wouldve looked like a regular witch’s house (brooms, cauldron, potion bottles, etc.) but for the fact that I decided to make my very own Book from sc

Why do we have cats, again?

team no one. didn’t even read past her saying he tweets like a 16 year old girl on her period. can we not give a platform to women who use femininity as an insult? garbage people


Not with that hair. 

It’s maddening when a woman’s life is to who she married or who her offspring is. My obituary will read “no one’s wife and mother of none is dead; therefore, no one cares.”

I think the Dems in the House should pass a bill allocating $5B for the border wall with the caveat that it can only be spent after Mexico pays us the $5B directly. None of this “we’ll make it back from the new NAFTA crap.” Mexico would actually have to write a check.

Well, you see, Obama was black.