True for now. Ontario has Trump lite as their premier now though (like a governor), and Toronto saw the highest gun violence in its history this year. Thanks in large part to the US.
I used to work in a Level 3 containment facility. There was simian herpes work being done in the same facility, and hats off to those crazy bastards, because yikes.
Watch out, we’ve got an edgelord here!
“Security operations at airports have not been impacted by a non-existent sick out.”
Rhesus pieces.
I went to a STEM-focused school that acquired a football team (full of idiots who couldn’t pass actual STEM classes and mostly went into a newly-created “sports management” major) and us nerds resented the hell out of it. Clearly the university president was more focused on trying to get alumni dollars via football…
Pls add titles to your posts, folks. It sucks trying to figure out where to click to try to get to the comments. Kinja is bad enough as it is.
Minus ten? Yikes. That’s a bit intense for shorts, for me anyway.
Stop that.
Stop that.
Probably not getting out of the grey for this but you can buy actual glasses from for 1$ or less and they can be reused or just donate them. If washing glasses is the issue you can rent them. Rental company drops them off before your event and picks up the dirty glasses and or dishes the next day. Just stick them in th…
Probably not getting out of the grey for this but you can buy actual glasses from for 1$ or less and they can be reus…
It’s a weird delineation too because neither of the words used are actually English.
If I pet any other dogs in front of my dog, he jumps up in my lap and demands that I rub his belly.
She became suspicious when she told him “Сайн уу”, only to have him respond, “¿Qué?”.
Fucking balls on her not addressing me with a formal Usted
How do you go to her Wikipedia page and not specifically point out this section, which is the grande finale of the half-page entry:
So wifey got a raise for the new year and he just got the divorce papers… And his son is stoned out of his gourd? (not that I’m blaming the kid, you’d need the good stuff to survive that sort of childhood)