Marion Coatesworth-Hay

Jesus Christ the comments. “Feeling like you’re harassed does not mean you were harassed”.

I was thinking about the day Trump dies this morning. Yesterday we shut down the stock market, post office, and federal government for Bush and for America to properly mourn. People said wonderful things about Bush, regardless of whether they believed in his political views. But will we do that for Trump? Will the

Folks all over trying to posit that aide dog was a lifetime companion that lived & died for Dead Dad Bush. HORSESHIT. That dog, as good as he is, just came to Dead Dad Bush like 6 months ago. Fuxsake, Bush was already senile, groping, and mostly immobile so Scully there didn’t really have a helluva lot of work to do.

“The writer, Mariah Smith, is black, but the Cut’s editors, and their perspective, are mostly white. This likely contributed to their ignorance about Chopra’s worldwide fame, or that Bollywood dwarfs Hollywood by sheer size. “

LOL! “safe space from our wedding traditions”. I am cheering for you from the back! My BFF is Punjabi and I have been to so many of his family’s engagement and wedding parties, and as a white person, I have to say brown parties are the best parties. I actually laughed out loud at the comments about how monetizing a

“As a practicing muslim that is an overt falsehood. Sharia law is anathema to our Constitution because Islam recognizes no other law but shariah [sic].”

This seems like a correct assumption but Muslims in the US voting for and supporting the Democratic party is an unfortunate result of our marginalization here.

The best response:

“The writer, Mariah Smith, is black, but the Cut’s editors, and their perspective, are mostly white. This likely contributed to their ignorance about Chopra’s worldwide fame, or that Bollywood dwarfs Hollywood by sheer size”

Speaking of which. Did you see fmr PM Mulroney throw copious amounts of shade at Trump in his speech?

“The writer, Mariah Smith, is black, but the Cut’s editors, and their perspective, are mostly white.”

So the writer of the piece, the person who probably did the “research” is allowed to be ignorant?


“There are no Conservative Muslims or Moderate ones!”

It’s crazy to me how many racist, sexist, and ageist comments about this wedding I’ve read on this site for supposed liberal feminists. The comments like “how can they throw such an elaborate wedding in a country where millions are starving” (Yes only white people are allowed to be extravagant),  “Aren’t they

I hope I am not putting too fine a point on this when I say, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I am kind of confused about Shapiro’s comments. Is he saying Trump is horrible person just like the Bill and Barak? Or is he saying they ARE the best people and Hillary is the worst. Both ways really doesn’t compute because I would be surprised that he included Clinton and Obama with his love fest of Trump.

That Ari Fleischer tweet, even as a joke, is a bad, bad tweet. That’s like, an eye-rolling grandpa humor joke, not done well.

I’m Indian and Punjabi and currently living in South Delhi surrounded by uber rich Punjabi people who pay their full time maids between what in dollars would be 70 to 100 dollars A MONTH. I’m well aware of why Punjabis have the reputation they do, and how important status is to them.

I just listened to a podcast about fast fashion, and how the textile industry produces more pollutants and consumes more water than mining, chemical manufacturing, smelting. So with that in mind, not only is it tacky, but shit like this is literally killing the planet.