Marion Coatesworth-Hay

This story was not reported as if the disappearance had anything to do with Costa Rica. It was simply... reported.

Hey, c’mon, Dave, it’s also possible he’s just distracted by heartbreak. After seeing Daddy Vladdy and Prince Harming doing their high-five embrace, without him? After that sick gut-punched feeling of knowing he's just not that into you anymore? .... He needed a Big Mac and a Safe Space. That kind of jealousy needs

Trump: I only came here to ‘hike the Tallahassee Trail’, not talk to some Mexican guy.”

My 12 year old self? Not sure Jonas was even born when I was 12

Why wouldn’t he? Plenty of Indians in his administration. Asians are good people, unlike the thug blacks and illegal latinos.

Okay, let me see if I follow this...

1) It may just be me, but the whole “You’re a drunk” thing sounds like just more “Trump Administration projection” BS.

I think she Freudian slipped on that one. “Russian Witch Hunt Hoax” seems like a double negative. Hoax cancels out Witch Hunt - if I am understanding the current colloquial usage of the word salad language by these neo-right wing nut jobs.

“The Trump administration is allowing five oil and gas companies to conduct “deafening seismic tests” in the Atlantic Ocean”

How would that be pronounced? Oos-m-kah? Us-mu-ka? At least if Mexico were first, it would be MUSCA. Or CAUSM if Canada were first. ... I just realized, with this administration, why the US was placed first in naming the trade deal. UGH!

I’m too lazy to link to it, but Trudeau called it NAFTA, cause it’s just the same thing they had and they are still arguing over the rest.

If they were paying for shoes they were doing it wrong. Influencer means they pay you to promote their brand or give you free product. Not dupe you into buying their product.

Ha. What a bunch of morons. Wait till they find out that a Louis Vitton bag made by an Asian kid in a sweat shop doesn’t cost much more than $50 either.

The little orange bastard might like gulab jamun....

Will you dummies please stop using the word “influencer”? A definition already exists for what they do and its called a fucking commercial.

Your boss does tend to get pissed when you cancel your own performance review.

He was lost, someone told him they were serving steak, he was very upset.

I sat in my bed last night and ate half an entire dutch apple pie from the pan (would’ve eaten the whole thing if my damn cousin hadn’t chowed down on it at dinner). I guess that was my tribute to Satan this year. My 15-year-old self would be so proud of how goth this makes me now.

It’s difficult to adequately articulate how severely dumb the phrase “meat pies are goth” sounds to an Australian.