Marion Coatesworth-Hay

The lead-up and context is that he violently assaulted her in front of her children and she took out a restraining order against him before he murdered her. What is confusing you?

“I can’t thank you enough for being murdered by me so I can truly understand myself.”

How can anyone say hitting someone 20 times is an accident? I don’t care who you thought you knew, if they hit someone 20 times, or 2 times, fuck, even once, it wasn’t an accident.

Listen, I don’t know you and I don’t know when you are punching walls, but I want you to know this: even if YOU “know” you’d never hit a woman, if you are punching walls when you get angry and your partner is in the room, you are being fucking abusive and scary.  My ex used to punch walls when he got angry with me and

A mistake is making a left turn when you wanted to go right. There are so many mistakes, but beating the shit out of someone and breaking bones is a violent assault.

It’s so refreshing not to have a massive list of still-loading tweets to try to scroll past before they manage to load! This is the best Barf Bag ever!

Why is there no “flag this comment for mental health services”?

yup, when you run out of bullshit to say, just give it the presidential shruggie

Remember, he’s a a poser and a phony. Daddy gave him the money and the “empire”, he’s never actually done anything except ride on those coattails. That’s why he likes dictators, they are daddy figures to him. Want to get his goat? Remind him that he’ll never be as successful in this job as the black guy who had the

A special shoutout to Mrs. Johnson’s 5th grade social studies class at John F. Kennedy Elementary School for their hard work in creating the visual aid Trump used to illustrate the economic benefit of the Saudis’ weapon purchases to the entire nation. 

Can you imagine having to type up that indictment?

I guess Trump was right.

We don’t really KNOW if it was Bill McRaven’s folks who took out bin Laden, right? Could be anyone. There’s a lot of people out there. Might have been Canada, might have been a 400-lb person sitting on his bed. Many people are saying that we need to see bin Laden’s long-form death certificate before we can be sure.

Bin Laden was a scum bag that sought to spread extremism, but this whole pablum that the terrorists hate America because of “freedom” always pissed me off so much.

Ok, lets take that at the value that he wishes it had: Trump could have stopped 9/11.

I have a friend who just got remarried to a very wealthy man, and she makes a sizeable income on her own. I asked where she was registered, and she straight up said that they didn’t want gifts because at this point they’d be registering for their new lakehouse, and they don’t need their friends to spend their money, ju

He’s not wrong about Pakistan. While we were subsidizing them heavily, they were providing sanctuary for the Taliban, and now ISIS is establishing a strong presence.

Question: why on earth do the super rich need a wedding registry? Why not request that their guests donate to a charity or just say something like, “no gifts, thank you, we’re fine?” When The Madman and I got hitched, we requested donations to an animal rescue in lieu of gifts, as we already have everything we need,