Marion Coatesworth-Hay

Is this even in question? It’s been happening for decades. The only shocker is that it appears to still be occurring. 

I don't think we get to say what's appropriate when it comes to someone else's grief. 

a George Washington quote: “For happily the government of the United States, gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, except all these human beings I own because I think they are racially inferior

Who the hell actually has a Discover card?

The Buffalo News did a story on it. Sweet, sweet justice that these parents are going to deal with their abuse being covered in the local paper. If the comments are, in fact, local they may have a shunning of their own in their futures. Also interviews the “father.”

Spoken like a true inbred goatfucker.

You might want to add ::sarcasm:: to that because I made a similar comment yesterday and even added the /s and it went over peoples heads.

Have you ever seen videos of white people blowing up some explosives to reveal a baby’s gender? Blowing a wedding dress the fuck up at a divorce party? Blowing shit up every time beer+gun range+white people combine on one side of an equation?

Trump then did his best Elvis impersonation, raised his lip, and said “Thanks, thanks so much for that!”

I live in Buffalo and went to uni here. Downtown and the college campuses are freaking wind tunnels. I have a knee-length Old Navy parka and bought it big enough to wear a sweater/sweatshirt underneath. Most people truly don’t need a Canada Goose coat. It’s funny because only the kids from out of the area wore them

I live in Canada, and no one in my city needs a Canada Goose coat. My colleague has one, and every time he wears it, even in deepest winter, he complains about how he gets too hot in it.

“Beanie”? they’re called toques, it’s right there in the link. /aggrieved Canadian

I know this is an American website and everything but:

Well, some people are anemic and some people are slim and don’t have the body fat to keep as warm as others. Unfortunately, I am both so it takes awhile to adjust to the drop in temps and I shiver most of the time because my body just doesn’t process iron supplements properly. God, I hate my fat acquaintances that

As the only white Cindy under 30, I’ve unfortunately run into too many white Cindys OVER 30 who were like this. Maybe I should start going by Popsicle, or AbolishICE, or Moon Unit or something.

You have seen her comment a few days ago about having a front seat at a hanging, right?! 

Is it even cold enough in England for people to need to wear these coats? I don’t even think it’s cold enough in NYC more than a few days a year to wear these, they’re for freaking subzero temperatures. It’s 55 degrees at this school today.

I believe that the kids were both adopted in the US, so are presumably US citizens. So they’re the “right kind” of brown. Not from any of the countries that Donny calls a “shithole”. Plus they have a white celebrity dad.