Marion Coatesworth-Hay

Here’s Jet keeping me company while watching scary shows!

Well I mean, you realize that police services have to apply the law on small cases, even while larger stuff is happening too? I mean, this isn’t a lady getting arrested for just being rude, throwing stuff at people is assault. Just because she’s on the righteous side doesn’t mean you get a free pass. I don’t know what

Now playing

Actually, I read it as THEY were the ones with guns mounted and THEY were out trying to kill the tiger. Kind of like having sharks with laser beams attached to their heads...

Considering there are only about 2500 wild tigers left in India (making up 60% of the world’s wild tiger population) and that it has taken three years to painstakingly get to that number from 1411, killing even one is a MASSIVE deal. India is making every effort to stop these animals from going extinct, even if that

Ah...are the Indians against this tiger being killed also racist? 

Because her habitat was constrained, and she adapted accordingly. As people, who are, you know, better equipped to understand the bigger picture, we should take a perspective bigger than vengeance for the dead, appropriate though that may be.

The Quebec City mosque massacre earlier this year was committed by an angry white guy who, while not able to vote for Trump, was an admirer of his. the past couple weeks we’ve had:

It’s gotta be weird with the typical “racist piece of shit uncle” dynamic being totally inverted

I am sick of this bullshit. I am a “real American” from the midwest. Family of Irish railroad workers. Put myself through engineering and law school. Was in NYC (and still here) during 9/11.  Never hunted or owned a gun.  Why are “real Americans” only considered to be farmers, coal miners, gun owners, factory workers,

Question: Is this the hotel bill or the full package for a traveling first lady (jet, limos, her staff’s expenses, secret service, screening of hotel guests and employees)?

I remember posting a Facebook status the day after the 2016 election about how as a Latina, the results make me feel unwelcome in my own country and that whether Trump voters like it or not, voting for him meant that even if you didn’t consider yourself a racist, at the very least you tolerate racism. Some white woman

This is gross. Still I’d like to know what the expenditure represents and how it stacks up to per diem overseas expenditures for other First Lady trips. I’m not defending this woman—I just don’t want this to turn out to be a fake news thing. For example, does the $95,000 cover housing for security personnel, or

Kinda like this?

I know I am preaching to the choir here, but:

This is a pretty stark example of the difference between Canadian and American governments. Even our most right wing leaders (Harper, Scheer, etc), who themselves disagree with abortion, refuse to allow the topic to be raised in the House. MP’s who try and broach the subject are back benched or expelled from the

Thats a good call! Last year I gave out York Peppermint Patties, as they also don’t contain palm oil, but kids were less the thrilled. This year I compromised my morals and feel shitty about it. Next year I will return to my no palm oil ways.

Her break out role was Bend It Like Beckham, it came out in 2002


This sounds like a reasonable response, and it doesn’t even need to be Antarctica.