Marion Coatesworth-Hay

Steven Spielberg may be religious, but he has a New York sense of humour.

Not to mention the evangelical fools they had at the ceremony in Jerusalem for the embassy switch. These were people officially hired by the administration, and apparently approved by Kushner.

Nice to hear that Donald Trump, Mike Pence, and Kellyanne Conway all support the religious freedom of American Muslims.  ...Right?  That’s what they’re all saying now?

America can get their blasphemy laws back just as Ireland’s getting rid of them.

Holy shit, they’re incapable of making anything about anyone other than themselves and empathy in general. The entitlement is just out of this world. 

And her husband encourages us to “pile on”

Normally I would have missed it entirely, but given everything else... was the ‘trail of treats’ event they were at a reference to the goddamn Trail of Tears?

It’s really refreshing to hear someone blatantly say “Pregnancy was fucking awful and it creeped me out.” I know this instinctively and it’s why I’ll never participate in it.

One side of my family is very politically active and have been for years.

....she has a ton of shit in front of her milk and stuff, how does she take that out without removing every fucking thing from her fridge?

Get a water bottle PLEASE for all that is good and holy. Don’t NYers always boast about their yummy tap water?

I keep my PB in the fridge but I buy the natural stuff where you hve to stir the oil into it on a regular basis and keeping it cold helps to prevent it from separating. 

The amount of single use plastic in that fridge is bonkers.

I feel like dudes who try to pressure their wives into more kids are also the kind of dudes who are zero help with raising kids. Especially if they’re Kanye.

I have one kid, and every time I heard, “But you’re such a good mom, you should have more!” My answer was along the lines of “The reason I’m a good mom is that I know how much I can handle successfully.” That shut them up, left them feeling vaguely dissed and also like feeling dissed was their own fault. It was kind

When you’re still single at 45, they stop asking you directly. They just whisper among themselves about how they knew all along you were gay.  

Holy shit do they need to have their children taken away. They’re young enough that it might not be too late.

Even if he didn’t, that doesn’t make it reich.

I get it. Who hasn't scrambled around the house looking for matching father-son costumes at the last minute and realized "Hey, my incredibly detailed Nazi uniform that I keep around just for funsies could totally work here!"

Because you’re a monster obviously.