Marion Coatesworth-Hay

Another example of the irrationality that accompanies everything that has the name Trump affiliated with it.

She didn’t want her first cat, Lola, to be spayed because she thought it was barbaric,”

owes $64,640.34 in unpaid condominium fees known as “common charges” and an additional $25,000 in “legal fees and expenses incurred” by the Residential Board.

I was going to say “as long as she takes care of them.” Which quickly turned into “fuck this bitch right into the dirt.”

Spay and neuter your fucking pets, Bella.

Fear the Raccoon.  Respect the Raccoon.  Love the Raccoon.

Ok but...was she like “oh I don’t want to spay my first cat. Oh let’s get her a male companion” or did she just let her first cat out on the street to mingle with other cats? I’m just saying, her first cat couldn’t start it alone.

There are fundamentalist assholes of every religion that would give them a run for their money.

What’s a slight vegetarian?


If this guy doesn’t also check marriage status for every man who gets Viagra or Cialis then his religious piety is bullshit (not that we didn’t know this already)

Laughed at trumps response to the reporter or with??

So we’re calling a small bedroom a “suite” now?

This recent Saudi controversy has really perplexed me.

You’re correct, it’s a city bus. I’m pretty free range but not quite enough to send my 1st grader on the CTA by himself.

Is this a fucking joke? Are you really this fucking retarded?

...omg it’s STILL like that. wtf

Sadly, it was obvious that he wasn’t. He has espoused lots of wackado theories over the years. One of our favorites is that he thinks sunscreen causes more cancer than sun exposure. Another is that if one eats an all organic diet, one’s hair won’t turn gray. And of course, he’s an anti-vaxxer.  

I think your cat is my cat’s soulmate. Mine is comfortable enough around me that he’ll sleep on the back of the couch while I’m sitting in the middle of it, but if I make any movements that he might vaguely interpret to mean I’m reaching for him, he bolts. If a stranger comes in to the apartment, he goes for under my