Fur is murder. Do they sell a Brazilian version?
Fur is murder. Do they sell a Brazilian version?
Where in my post did I ask for a lesson on pharmaceuticals? That has nothing to do with what I posted. You sound like an anti-vaxxer more than you think. Take you talking points elsewhere. If my own mother can’t convince me, a stranger on the internet sure as heck can’t.
He’s already reneged, claiming he said “Indian” not Native American. !!
Yeah, and Obama’s birth certificate was fake. Nothing matters. Nothing nothing nothing, nothing. If this isn’t Distopia, I can see it from here.
I expected people on the right to confuse “has Indigenous ancestry” with “claims to be Native American”. But I hoped the left would do better. Warren’s story has remained consistent and she clearly just did this to get it out of the way for her 2020 run. That’s it.
He’s never going to pay, but everyone with a functioning brain cell already knew that, regardless of the outcome of the test.
Just so you know, my gay male husband has often claimed that he’s never seen a woman naked. I believe him; we’ve been together since our early 20s.
We live in a dense city neighborhood and for the last few years we've seen a fox making her rounds after midnight here and there. A smooth little ghost, she trots down the sidewalk and then cuts down the alley next to our house. Hadn't seen her for a bit and spotted her early Saturday morning, super skinny and…
“Real fox fur”.
President Donald Trump: —of years. They say that we had hurricanes that were far worse than what we just had with Michael.
Lesley Stahl: Who says that? “They say”?
President Donald Trump: People say. People say that in the—
Lesley Stahl: Yeah, but what about the scientists who say it’s worse than ever?
President Donald…
I don’t wanna lose millions and millions of jobs. I don’t wanna be put at a disadvantage.
rampant gossip and speculation about his mental health
Planes are hit by lightning all the damn time.
Putting on my impartial face (and you should too if you’re going to comment) when I say:
“The HuffPost report said the fight broke out after protesters knocked a “Make America Great Again” hat off a Proud Boy’s head.”
Maybe don’t do that?
I feel like, between the two of them, he’s much more likely to be a robot or possibly a reptoid in a human skin suit.
she expressed the opinion that she could care less about rumors of her husband’s various and myriad alleged infidelities.
Gritty looks like the byproduct if Donald Trump fucked Youppi.