Marion Coatesworth-Hay

So this reminds me of a fun little story from my personal life (kidding, it’s not fun at all):

From a legal perspective, I find this headline to be somewhat misleading, though I understand why one would want to hold a judge responsible. The judge didn’t offer the plea - the DA did. Of course, it’s within a judge’s power to reject a plea, but that’s somewhat discouraged practice and generally considered to be

Wait, is no one going to comment on the potential spelling error in Kesha’s song (which is lovely)? Right around :25, it says something about it being “hard to be lightening in the dark”. Pretty sure she means the bolt of electricity (which is spelled lightning) and not some weird noun-like version of to lighten

Bet she was Native. I don’t know about the States, but in Canada we don’t treat indigenous women like people. I can’t imagine Alaska being much different.

This is the best. I was hiking in a poppy reserve in CA with a friend and there were all these “NO DOGS” signs posted everywhere. We were rounding a corner and saw a leash and my friend got pissed because he would have loved to bring his dogs but was following the rules. Turned out this dude was walking his cat--the

I have an adventure cat. His name Lil Dude and he has hiked and camped many of the National Parks in the West. Hiking with him is different than hiking with a dog, he moves slower and will climb into my pack if he senses danger such a dog or mountain bike approaching. He will hike for an hour or so then hop into the

I would not trust any of my cats not to head for the proverbial hills were we to go hiking together. Their loyalty (and their intelligence) is just too tenuous.

I take my cat out for walks on my balcony. He’s shown very little interest in exploring further, sadly. Here’s a photo of him earlier this year before it warmed up - he’s wearing his tweed jacket.

Skim milk tastes like bad water and is not good. Give me 2% or higher.

I really would have loved to see King Felipe and Queen Letizia’s faces when he said that. She’s already famous in Spain for her crazy eyes so they must have been bugging out of her head when he suggested a wall.

“I always liked cereal dry”

My daughter eats cereal without milk. I find this to be an absolute abomination and am clueless to where she picked up this “habit”. Consequently, she won’t eat cereal for breakfast as it’s more of a snack now. I usually end up fixing her a hot breakfast on school mornings just so she’ll eat something. 

Drink skim”

Now playing

I actually strongly disagree, it’s one of the cereals that I think it only enjoyable with milk. It needs a minute or so just to slightly soften so you don’t cut your mouth on it.

I do not like the guy. I don’t like his policies, I think he is an idiot who is in way over his head. I think he is crude, he is brash, that he lacks any form of refinement and is stuck in a world that revolves around him and his own justification.

Good on Rihanna for taking her celebrity and using her platform to help others. Education is so important. It is very unfair that children that desperately want to learn are not able to do so because their families are poor or they are female. I read Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, this kid would sneak into school to

This is a shiit take.

And why do we believe this woman, and not the woman who stated that “Trump was the best sex she’d ever had”?

Please explain how this isn’t body shaming.  Thank you.