Marion Coatesworth-Hay

Right? This was an easy one, c’mon people!

So, I really really don’t want Kavanaugh to be on the Court, but that’s not what the linked article says AT ALL.

No, I’ve taken away that everyone involved is coo-coo for cocoa puffs, and I’m glad I don’t know them. And what I chose to comment on is that Bobby didn’t bother to spell the woman in question’s name correctly, repeatedly, for whatever reason, despite having it right there in front of him on her post. *eyeroll* Get

It’s George TaKAE, NOT Takuy.

Dear everyone with the “who is this person” posts:

Very true. My cousin has 2 pigs that were “micro pigs’ they are both over 5 years old now and over 200 lbs though the oldest is probably closer to 350 lbs. She and her husband did their research before deciding on their 1st pig and knew it was probable that their baby micro pigs weren’t going to actually be micro

Anytime someone mentions wanting a “mini” pig, I send them a link to Esters FB page. Her dads are super special people and are doing their best to bring awareness in getting a so-called mini pig as a pet.

I don’t mean this in a negative way, but are you <30 y.o.?

Did he misspell ‘girlfriend’ or does he think a 17-year old would not know how to spell girlfriend? Either way, not a good look, jr. 

I do hope this isnt the case. What will happen, is sadly what happens with lots of “small” things. It gets big and then people dont want them anymore. I volunteer at the SPCA and I see this all the time. People get a cute bunny for their kid for Easter, then it grows into a large rabbit and they cant take care of it

That headline was the most 1998 sentence I’ve ever read. 

It’s DownEy. With an E. Spelled correctly in the screenshot right below the headline. 

yeah that’s what I thought. you really have to watch how politicians word things..

I love me some Bernie and would vote for him again, but you’re being a shithead with this spam.

I read it more as “’gina is great!”

If they were getting married in Canada, wouldn’t they need a Canadian marriage license? New York licenses are only valid in New York State. I don’t understand the premise of this “report.”

I don’t think that a New York marriage license would be valid in Ontario, which is his home province.  If they were married in New York in accordance with New York requirements then the marriage would be recognized in Ontario, but that’s a different issue.

Please feel free to get the fuck out of here with your logic and research. They don’t do that here—only feels.

To be fair - and I know you guys probably don’t want to hear this - spending on housing and furnishing for high ranking diplomatic residences won’t change between Democratic and Republican administrations. The previous Permanent Representative to the UN under Obama, Samantha Power, lived in a palatial suite at the

I’m so sorry to hear about this terrible hardship.