Marion Coatesworth-Hay

Hey, if you’re going to question the intelligence of others, you should probably learn the difference between viscous and vicious (hint: one of them means “thick, sticky consistency”).

..... Sigh... the coverage of this fellow and the will-he-or-won’t-he-tee-hee aspect of is is very troubling for those of us who would be in the “mature virgin” demographic (25+ years old). Mind you, this isn’t about “incel” gripes or anything related to toxic outlooks. But many of us who have not “crossed that

Oh fuck off Matthew Mcconn-however the hell you spell your name. The dynamic in my two parent family was that my mother and father fought all.the.time. Those miserable bastards couldn’t be in the same room without fighting. I was a nervous mess as a kid and I’m not much better as an adult. Neither me nor my sister

Holy shit, the fact that they think the average single parent with two children has an income of over 200k a year!?!? Is so fuckin telling on how disconnected these people are from regular society 

And what does he mean “raising?”  Did he start a Kickstarter?

Wow, this ad and accompanying comment section totally aren't concerning re: the current spike in alcoholism among women!

You will be relieved to know the Southern Charm cast got the fuck out of Charleston ahead of Hurricane Florence.

I am a little confused about Stormy’s statement. She is “going to write everything”, then Zaddy says it’s going to be a long 3 weeks for Agent Orange.

[Stefon voice] This Trump tweet has everything: unsubstantiated praise, alternative facts, hyperbole, racism, insulting a huge swathe of the population when they’re down, human marriage counseling (it’s like that thing of when you take a person with tiny hands and tell him not to admit when he’s wrong even when he

Narrator:  “It wasn’t.”

what an equally white comparison

I’ve never hated anyone as much as I hate Donald Trump. And I had an ex-mother-in-law who was a real piece of work. Trump makes her look like Mother Teresa. All is forgiven, Judith. 

Ok here’s something I just found out about. Apparently some schools celebrate “Patriot Day” on 9/11. Which I can’t even comprehend. Do we celebrate Pearl Harbor? Do the Polish celebrate Sept. 1st? Never mind the obvious jingoism attached to such an idea. Christ Almighty.

I know it is one of the lesser dumb things this idiot tweeted, but that:

It was incredibly successful, in the sense that it was the complete opposite of that. It makes sense if you don't think about it.

This article about Francis Anwana makes my heart hurt. Fuck you people who voted for this asshole, look what this shitty fucking admin is doing to people.

For now, anyhow. Keep you eye on the guy in Queen’s Park...

Subway in Canada already has paninis! Honestly, they aren’t bad for Subway.