Marion Coatesworth-Hay

Go, Bobcats.

This seems like an important bit of information from College Of The Ozarks’ Wikipedia page:

All and western.

Call up their offices, play the anthem. They’re not going to hang up on the anthem, are they?  Repeat indefinitely. 

I feel so bad for him, let him enjoy his retirement instead of doing more shit for Dems

I just wish vanilla ice was like, a sno-cone flavor you could actually get.  Like a frozen vanilla Italian soda.  It would be delicious. 

My husband and I have always said he never really wanted to be president, just all the attention and ratings that come with running, and then got in over his head and now we have garbage fire for president.

Mister Gradenko works in television news, and covered the press conference about the plane last night.

I will say this....if there was an administration to cash in a career’s worth of a reputation for meticulous, accurate, and unimpeachable reporting to just phone it in and make the craziest stuff up, it is this one. Because everyone believes this is a backbiting toxic administration, and no one takes the denials

“...there is like tons of ambulances...

My favorite aspect of the Vanilla Ice story is that he is living the dream up in business class on the upper deck and completely oblivious to the suffering of the hundreds in economy just one deck below. Must be nice.

THANK FUCKING GOD for you! I thought I was the only one rage-stroking over that!

Gwyneth: I think I have $145k in the couch cushions...”

Reminds of when my mom had business in Augusta, Georgia and ended up in Maine because she doesn’t know how to use the internet to buy plane tickets. When I asked her if she noticed they kept saying MAINE over the loud speaker at the airport with her connecting flight, she thought they meant the “main” Augusta

Wait, all the kangaroo breeders around them? Huh?

I realize I’m all over this thread, but you really hit me where I live.

You know what? She looks like exactly the type of person who would say horrible things as long as no one was going to find out. She absolutely reeks of “let me talk to your supervisor” with subtle hints of someone who uses the word “urban” quite a bit.