I thought it was alec from the thumbnail
I thought it was alec from the thumbnail
So Kim is still going forward with his weapons program, in spite of his promises, and yet Donnie is still sending his warmest regards?
Jesus; that’s horrifying. I hate to bring Jimmy’s parents into this awful narrative, but what parent in their right mind would let their young child act in out such traumatizing scenes in such a disturbing movie??
I don’t think Argento looks good here (based on the original accusations and her own public statements), but I’m not going to condemn her on the basis of unverified, anonymous text messages until there’s stronger proof that she actually sent them. Screenshots of text messages are not reliable evidence at all.
This story did not need links to those photos. Jez can and should do better.
Have you ever gestated a turkey?
They were small rescue groups in my local area. I got the feeling that these people have seen the worst of the worst and are so jaded and burned out that they don’t seem to recognise the good guys anymore.
She’s being held more accountable? Are you kidding? Nothing has happened to her so far other than a variety of articles on the subject and paying up to her accuser.
Jennifer Garner did leave her first husband (Scott Foley) for Michael Vartan (remember him?) and then left Vartan for Affleck. Seeing as Jen likes to date/marry her costars I wouldn’t be surprised if she was asking to help cast her next movie.
Omarosa has a recording of that.
1 - I think “too hot to be a rapist” is a very dangerous mindset.
I think it was really nice of Ben to drive his babysitter home
Thank you Rebecca for writing this correctly and free of hyphens. I’ll continue to shout this out every time I see it until everyone does it the proper way.
I wonder why he’s directing his ire at “local politicians.”
Just fucking do it, just do this stupid, wasteful thing. Show a big stupid parade in DC for Donny’s benefit with his idiotic face overseeing the whole thing from his throne, giving moronic thumbs-ups to random people in the parade and that smile that looks like he shit his diaper. Show the people exactly who this sack…
Maybe he can get Mexico to pay for his parade?
Now we can buy some more jet fighters!
Yeah, well, you know, that’s just, like, your opinion, man
Regarding that “666% Increase” (derived from the Pentagon’s original and revised estimates) that appears in so many headlines: I’d really like to imagine that we’ve been punk’d by some numerologically-inclined Pentagon bean-counters here.