Marion Coatesworth-Hay

As usual, it’s Pete Souza FTW.

I actually cried over his tweet and wrote my senator. This week I literally made a poster to put up in my school library about LeBron- no scandals, devoted to his family, helps his community. And then someone who is supposed to be president come up and says that two public figures are stupid- THE PRESIDENT- said

Fuck you orange asshole. How dare you insult the greatest man alive today.. Don Lemon. 

I remember Hemmer as one of the morning anchors on CNN during W’s first term. Right around the leadup to the Iraq War he started making comments on air about opposition to the war. CNN did some segment with protestors and when it ended and they cut back to studio Hemmer was shaking his head in disgust. No big surprise

So this came out today, a former Democratic member of Trump’s Voter Fraud Commission has basically come out and said what we all knew from the start: that it was all just a biased attempt to find support for Trump’s ridiculous 5 million illegal votes claims.

More lies, with a heaping dose of narcissism:

Oh my god. My husband is convinced our old neighbors were a sleeper cell. They were friendly, but never did any of the cul de sac parties. Kept to themselves, never seem to have people over. He “worked at home.” Then one day, his dad was apparently ill and they had to sell the house and move back to help with family

Nope. From their FAQ section: “Do you rent goats out for anything other than weed control or fire prevention? Yes. If you’re having a petting zoo or event, we’d be glad to bring goats to you… if we can fit it into our schedule. Give us a call well ahead of the event. We can also help you set up goat parties, where the

You left off one of the reporters best tweets:

No one beats my Deadly Little Miho.

Meet Anderson Coopurr. He’s working on some breaking news in this pic.

What about Maximus? Maximus is my cat with mild Feline Cerebellar Hypoplasia (wobbly cat syndrome) he walks like he is drunk and has balance issues and I thought he need a super masculine name to make him feel better. Chester is another good one.

These are my animals, Nick the dog and Larry the cat.

My cat’s name was Sybil Nomi, after Sally Field’s role as multi-personality Sybil, and Nomi from Showgirls because of how quickly and jerky she would react to things. However, I also often called her Poups, short for poupee or doll en French.

Pets are need ridiculous names. This is an indisputable fact. Also, your veterinarian will like you more if they have to call and say “we’re calling to confirm the appointment for Her Majesty Queen Cleopatra IIX.”

This is Wendy Davis in her kitten days... She’s a sassy strawberry blonde.

Obligatory “my cat’s name is...” post:

Paul Rudd forever and Lena Dunham never!