Marion Coatesworth-Hay

U.S. Army Spec. Yea Ji Sea has served in the armed forces for more than four years. She was part of a program that grants immigrants citizenship in exchange for service. But in the wake of the Trump administration’s anti-immigrant policies, she has been discharged and may end up in ICE custody. The ACLU has sued the

RIGHT? I am so tired of this idea that we are defined by the titles of “wife/mother/job” as if that is what makes us worthy of respect*.

“To say such ugly words about a mother, wife, and our First Lady woman...”

I honestly don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone use the term “Hoebag”. Is this a regional insult?

I thought the title was a reference to her recent attempts at gardening.

Fun fact: The Korean word for pumpkin, ‘호박’, is pronounced ‘ho bag.’ Kind of fitting for Melania, if only because she’s married to a rotten jack-o-lantern.

I normally agree with Jezebel’s slant on things, but I can’t on this one. On its face, it’s simply not true that those tweets “were not aimed at a general audience.” Every single one that you embedded in the article was, in fact, aimed at a general audience. Words have meanings. She’s a journalist, and presumably she

You can definitely not hold my cat as a baby. You cannot pick up my cat. My cat will not sit on someone’s lap. If you’re lucky my cat will barf on your stairway, or perhaps pee 5" away from the litter box.

Glad they let everyone go at Jezebel. Who needs editors anyway?

Domestic violence is wrong no matter who commits it. 

The documents were filed as part of a libel case Depp is perusing in the UK. Depp claims the altercation occurred after he’d arrived two hours late to Heard’s 30th birthday party. Once the guess left...

The big chain where I work stopped accepting them two years ago. And we STILL get the odd person bitching about it. Usually the same people who don’t trust Paywave but have their PIN on a slip of paper in their wallet.

Did she forget about Harold and Kumar?

Here in Canada, we have an all-Asian TV show called Kim’s Convenience. I was hesitant to watch the show b/c frankly I was expecting a corny sitcom, but it turned out to be surprisingly good. The lead actor Paul Sun Hyung Lee is excellent as the patriarch. I like that they didn’t go the ‘model minority’ route and made

speaking of people we don’t have time for, links to stories about 69696x96x96x96x on the jezebel banner will NOT go away for some reason.

Living in Canada, I don’t know of any place where you can write a cheque anymore at a store. I go to the States a few times a year and still see cheques are accepted.  Out of curiosity, could I go to a clothing store and spend say $300 bucks and write a cheque? Seems insane!

Why do people want to own animals that are totally unsuited to captivity? Get a dog or a cat - the dog will love you and the cat will own you. Totally fine. I live near a zoo (and yes ideally we shouldn’t have zoos but this is a great one with lots of space and entertainment for the animals- did you know that if you

That’s what I was thinking. Aren’t sharks the species that has to keep swimming or die? Try doing that in an aquarium.

WTF does that guy mean?? “Payback” for WHAT?? Filling his childhood imagination with wonder? What does this guy think the sharks did to him??