I can’t believe this needs to be said but, lame-ass comeback from the Kardashian at hand aside,
“how important setting goals are”
I can’t believe I’m defending a Kardashian... but didn’t this start with a bit of self-important and shaming snark about a nude selfie? Sure, putting out nude selfies is dumb, but, ummm... man I really don’t know where to go from here...
I feel like we are definitely missing significant pieces of this story. In no world would Alaska purposefully move or kick out a gay couple so a straight couple could sit together. What would their motivations be for doing that? I am pretty sure that, if anything, it was a series of misunderstandings and confusion.
Question: Did the gay couple actually pay for Premium seats? Or were they upgraded to premium for no charge, then the airline realized it had prematurely moved them to premium seating? If the answer to that first question is “no”, then this is a non-story and the outrage is unwarranted. If the answer is yes, than the…
Who paid to sit in first class and who got a free upgrade.
I was at Bright VIC for summer when I was a teenager and woke up one morning, looked up at the ceiling and there were at least 6 of them just hanging out up there. Terrifying.
Hey those guys work hard to bilk stupid people.
But why is the Old Lady just handing over her purse to an elephant she doesn’t know?
If you want to teach your kid about irresponsible pet ownership, grab the nearest Curious George book.
We had this book when I was little but it was written in what I thought was French and I could not read it. No one in my family spoke or read French so I never knew what it was, it just sat on a shelf in my room. My sister took French in high school and so one day I asked her about the French elephant book. She did…
When the hunter pops his mom is my favorite part. --Donald Jr.
Wait. Hold up. Do you truly not know who Miss Piggy is?
We shouldn’t have to be worrying about this. It’s just plain ridiculous. Honestly, this may be an unpopular opinion with some, but I really wish she had retired earlier in the Obama era. As much as one may say, “I’ll be here until I’m 90,” when you are a certain age, heath issues can have a very quick and deadly…
She’s got way more then five years but honestly she should have offered to retire when Obama was POTUS just as a precaution. Kinda surprised that Obama didn’t make it clear the risk she was taking by staying on. Either way she’ll definitely live through Trump’s one and only term.
If it’s the Daily Heil, those would be cheques you illiterate colonial!