
Ah. The “it’s not rape because she signed a release consenting to have sex with me” defense. All the allegations against Deen are horrifying and gross but the one where he came out of no where and wasn't supposed to be in the scene but he trampled on in there and beat the living day lights out of her is just down

I *think* he was trying to say that it’s only people who have bad blood with him because of a messy break up or he didn’t put his weight behind making them a bigger star. Like oh don’t believe them it’s just personal grudges. But instead he basically just said “hey! I only rape people I have access too! I’m not the

At first I thought it was kind of rude then after it knocked around my thinker for a bit I realized that Carrie asking the interviewer what her workout and diet plan was actually kind of a brilliant fuck you that the anchor herself could never give. Sure, she had to lose x amount of pounds but that was just for a

Ah. But that’s part of our inclusive yet oh so exclusive society we currently have. Everyone wants to be personally name checked and counted in every situation instead of looking at the actions surrounding it. I’d say Star Wars is doing a lot for the women in the fandom but that’s not enough apparently. Let’s get

Yeah. Like she’s a grinchian mastermind. She wants to have no contact with her daughter so the daughter won’t know what’s coming. She’ll be all wistful about the cookies and the decorations and having some good ol fashion Christmas time with her family then boom! Christmas morning hits and baby sister and elder sister

You can think “man. Fuck Sarah. I pay for her college. I pay for her beer she doesn’t know I know she buys. She can’t even call me back? No gifts for you, young lady!” and still be an okay mom. When you write into a very popular advice column asking if you can give everyone but your ungrateful teen daughter a great

It's part of the all over look. If Apple has to wear the arm warmers, she has every right to refuse

Everyone! Mark this down. This is the day someone said something about Paltrow that made her seem totally likable.

I think it’s perfectly nice if the She-ra super woman arm things aren’t included. If I had a flat chest, i’d wear it. No, that wasn't a dig, itty bitty women. I'm frequently jealous of you ladies

Think if aldi were to make a pet food

What do you call the things dogs walk on? Not arms and legs surely? They’re little feetsies.

She’s honestly one in a million. There have been a couple of occasions where I have been drunk and gotten so upset about the fact she will one day perish. Like she is a dog who snuggles up and if there are two people in the bed she lays on her back so she can get her feetsies on one person and get her head on the

I'm a mom to mine but the labs are kinda wary of me. Like who is this woman and why is she trying to lure us on to the bed. Hard pass on her.

Her government name is Lucy. Most people call her Lou. If you love her you sing “Lou be do be dooo...can’t take my eyes off of you...i’ll never stop loving you” in the style of dean Martin.

She’s got human eyes and a very human personality. She’s a gem

My dad has a key to my house and he drops by every day to take her on a 2 mile walk. Plus my walks. Plus my boyfriend taking her on walks. This dog is basically the kate Middleton of the south

Haha despite having a loving and doting mother, my dog loves men. SO MUCH. It’s like I’m her constant so she has no problem losing her everloving mind over any man who crosses the threshold of my house. My dad and my boyfriend? You’d think they paved the streets with pate the way she reacts to them

Look at this dope’s reaction to getting a new one

Haha my boyfriend is a staunch believer in you are not a dogs parent. You are their owner. I firmly believe I got her at 6 weeks old and I'm the only person who has been their her entire life post shelter so I am her mom. He has two labs he has had prior to dating me and they have a much more hands off relationship

Why not get into a tv series that you both haven't seen instead? The wire, six feet under, the hilariously bad true blood. The l word is just down right slow clap levels of so bad it's delicious