
THIS. This wasn’t just a confused consent situation (not that those are okay either). This was a *violent* rape, where he took actions that could easily have killed her, and which he absolutely would’ve known could kill her. (Smothering with a pillow is a well-known murder method, after all.) Actions which were

I work somewhere with a law school, and the number of entitled assholes that attend law school is so high, I can surmise that the venn diagram of men who rape girls at parties and men who get law degrees is much closer to being a single circle than not.

I mentioned this in the other thread, but the fact that the only acknowledgement from the judge of the girl was to bring up swimming in her underwear and drinking alcohol continues to blow my mind. It is just... I mean if that judge decided to do this, it would have been so easy for him to even offer lip service

Yeah, I guarantee that if a boy had been drunk, jumped in the pool in his underwear and woke up being raped, this judge when throw the book at the rapist. The fact these old-school POS people treat the crime differently depending on the victim proves they aren’t fit to do these jobs. 

Soooooo Cameron going swimming in her underwear and drinking is the problem, but dude raping her isn’t?!?!? Make it make sense, Judge Dumb Fuck.   

“Underwear is not the same as swimming suits. It’s just—they allow 16-year-olds to bring liquor to a party. They provide liquor to underage people, and you wonder how these things happen.”

I personally don’t care why she cried. I dont need an explanation for human emotion.

My story. I was 16 and intoxicated to the point of being very sick. My friend and her boyfriend were arguing in a bedroom, leaving me alone with a football player who helped me to the bathroom because I was vomiting. He locked the door behind him and attempted to rape me. I fought him and eventually made enough noise

I’m just watching this documentary, and I am rage-stroking out! 

When I was a teenager, I was raped by a very popular football player and I told no one. It took me 30 years to come to terms with it. Just once I would like to see teen survivors turn the destructive behavior away from themselves and onto the rapist. Just once I would like to see the boy’s house burned down, the boy’s

The whole thing is so fucking sad and just a wretched indictment of society, both the immediate aftermath and that years later we collectively could not help and protect her instead of the rapist. Even with all the perceived visibility around sexual assault and rape in the last few years (#metoo, Nassar doc, Audre and

I’ll join you.

I’m going to say this much in my opinion, this young was probably strong enough to have survived the sexual assault, but not the outlandish assault sat upon her by her community, public servants, and that piece of shit family the Barnett’s.

That show is a goddamned master class of acting, and this is a goddamned travesty.

They clearly didn’t watch that scene, or any scene. Both her and Dalton deserve the win (not just the nom, but the win) for that alone

How could you watch Kim confronting Lalo and not say hot damn that is top gun acting right there.

Dalton was way better than Esposito this season. But I’m convinced they didn’t even bother to watch any episode of BCS. Because if they did, Odenkirk, Seehorn, and Dalton are easily nominated and I’d argue they’d be favorites to win given the others nominated in their categories

Yeah, I agree, Rhea was majorly overlooked.  This was her season!

Are you fucking kidding me? No nomination for Rhea Seehorn (AGAIN!)?

It seems really odd to me that only Giancarlo Esposito got an acting nomination from BCS. He’s good as always but his role is pretty small in BCS and IMO both Michael Mando and Tony Dalton would have been better choices. And Rhea Seehorn was the MVP of S5 and absolutely deserved a lead actress nomination.