I wholeheartedly agree and with those scenes and the drama about Barry trying to save her, this raised my connection to the movie and to his character. It was a strong pull that I think really worked above other hero’s motivations.
I wholeheartedly agree and with those scenes and the drama about Barry trying to save her, this raised my connection to the movie and to his character. It was a strong pull that I think really worked above other hero’s motivations.
Exactly, when Gurn was the most emotive of the butterflies (and he’s mostly been showing anger/annoyance other than the feeling chilly bit) there is no way it’d be Waller or Economos (or Ashcroft as others speculated).
I’ve usually liked Vigilante, but he was a bit ridiculous this episode with the Teal and random questi…
Totally agree that Rhea Seehorn was simply excellent this season in her nuanced performance and Tony Dalton was much more menacing than Giancarlo as a villain this season. BCS has not received the love it deserves.
While I agree it seemed like filler, I’m almost positive it will come up later when Jon has to fly a dragon in combat or escape so at least it’ll make sense why Raegal let him on and that he knows a little what to do. Maybe he’ll even be doing much more dragon combat than we think, depending on the budget for those…
That would apply in the DC universe but not in the Marvelverse as far as the multiple earths go. There’s only 1 Stan Lee!
It looked like they shot down around a dozen guards and were going to be put to death for that...so what happened to that crime? It was going to be immediate firing squad instead they let them go because of the star returning? Weird justice on this planet. An interesting episode with some flaws.
Yes it was totally the fault of the GG people for allowing the Fiji advertising there, which may be funny in the end to see the random pose in the background (the women with the water were just doing what they were hired to do, not trying to be photographed, but hey if there’s a camera pointing towards you why not…
OK I generally leave a tip for the last day on shorter stays (1-3 nights) and every second day on longer nights, but now I’m asking myself why is this required? I do it because I know it’s a lower but needed service job and they’d appreciate it.
It’s exactly that his base won’t believe those stories of him not working hard, getting things done, doing great work (which he highlights in all his speeches/rallies) that they’d just think it’s the media’s “fake news” again (so tired of that term). Or that he needs his down-time like any hard worker and that’s all…
There’s a great breakdown of his tweets & some past information about how Gunn was bullied and the abuse his classmates at least suffered in his grade school: https://medium.com/@joninarebekka/the-truth-about-james-gunn-and-the-pedophile-in-his-childhood-f7ba23855a82
That was far far too many male voices in that writer’s room (other than the 2 show-runners being men) AND they are all white men - so much for any kind of diversity, let alone an equal one - leaves me just as disheartened.
—Claire’s wearing sneakers.’ Like specifically, ‘Claire’s wearing speakers.’ And I just circled that when I was reading it and I was like, ‘No… no it’s an office, Claire would wear heels.’—
The suits may be a little big, but who cares what a leader wears when you’d much rather have them just be competent and empathetic right?
That’s so awesome you had that experience for the movie and it’s cool that between Black Panther and Wonder Woman being on the big screen, that we can finally get these stories and heroic characters shared properly. I hope BP is embraced as much as WW was and makes more of these stories, people, actors, crew, etc.…
I agree that being part of the process in a business investigation like this would be the best course of action - did they actually talk to Tambor? who knows, but he sounds clueless that the idiot did anything wrong! Without knowing the details of of what his wrongs were, I hope Amazon, like any business, would like…